It's All Greek

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Max and Cordelia magically appeared in the living room of the academy. Cordelia said, "What was that thing? Who was that girl?" Max shrugged, "Tried to find out who she was, maybe have her explain but she ran off." Cordelia put her hand to her chin, thinking. "I just wonder why that thing was after her." "I'll google that bird thing."

A voice came from behind them, "That won't be necessary." Max and Cordelia turned around to see a man with a white beard and a white robe. "Who are you?" The man lightly chuckled. "Forgive me. I forgot that I know you better than you know me. My name is Theos. I'm from Olympus." Max and Cordelia look at each other confused. "Olympus? Like, Greek gods, goddesses, Hercules, the odyssey stuff?" "Yes, it's all real Max." The confused mother and son opened their mouths to speak but then said nothing. "See, I've watched you grow up Max. In fact, I knew you before you were born." Cordelia finally spoke. "I'm sorry, care to explain?"

Theos nodded, "You see Max, your father..." "Derek?" Cordelia said surprised. "Derek Karras is a demigod. The most respected, he's a warrior and messenger to the gods of Olympus." Cordelia wanted answers, "He just left?" "He had no choice. It was for your safety. When you were just a baby that's when the underworld caused a massive uproar. A war of sorts. The underworld deities would've come for him and all the people in this academy." Max stared off into space then spoke, "My father is alive?" "Right." "And he's a demigod?" "Right and that girl was a goddess." "Was she being chased?" "Aphrodite, yes. A whole flock of those birds gave Hercules trouble back in the day." Cordelia spoke up, "Why didn't Derek tell me?" "It was for your own protection. My boy, do you have any idea who you are?" Max shrugs. "Your father is a demigod but you, you're a god. You were chosen long ago to be the god of earth's elements." Max's mouth dropped open, then he snapped out of it, "Wait, I don't have any powers."

Theos smiled, tenderly put a hand on Max's shoulder. "You'll be twenty soon. That's when you get them." Delia confused yet again, "Why wait until he's twenty?" "The gods decided that many years ago; for his own protection from the underworld. He's the only deity to be born in the mortal realm, he would've had a target on his back the moment he was born..." Max fainted, falling onto the ground with a single thud! Cordelia kneeled down on the ground beside him, immediately began mopping his brow. "Max? Sweetheart?" Theos added in, "This is a lot." "Well he was just told he's a God and that his father is out there somewhere, still alive."


Max was passed out in his bed. Cordelia sat beside the bed looking at him. She bit her nail, thinking about everything Theos told them, how confused her son must be. Delia reached over to the bedside table, for a towel soaking in a bowl of water, she picked it up, put it on her son's forehead. Delia kissed his forehead. "Come on baby, come on", she said softly. Zoe poked her head in the doorway, her face grew concerned, seeing Max unconscious. "Is he okay?" Delia looked at Zoe, she let out a breath, "he passed out, it's a long story, I'll tell you about it later." Cordelia looked down at Max, still unconscious, she bit her nail then looked back up at Zoe, still lingering in the doorway. "I'm sorry did you need me for something?" "I wanted to show you something one of the girls did but I'll show you later. It can wait." The head mistress nodded then went back to looking at her son.

Zoe broke the silence again, "I hope everything's okay." "We'll be fine." Zoe left quietly. Max began to move a little, "Max?" Max suddenly shot up into a sitting position, Delia put a hand on his chest, guided him back down slowly. "It's alright, lay down." "Was that real? That man?" He was squinting, his vision slowly going from blurry to clear. Delia nods, "Yes." "I'm a god?" She nodded, "Seems that way." The supreme ran her fingers through his dirty blond hair. "Elements...wait..." His eyes grew wide. "When I turn twenty, I can't be's dangerous, you heard what he said." She placed a hand on her son's shoulder to calm him down, "Hey, we'll figure it out, alright? Please rest."


The headmistress sat in her bedroom looking at a picture of her husband, how she missed him dearly. She now knew he was alive, all her questions answered but didn't know when or if she would see him. The supreme thought about something else Theos said not too long after Max had passed out. She could hear his words clearly, "An underworld uprising is coming, those dark beings are getting more aggressive. They want to take over every world they can, Olympus, even the mortal realm." She put down the photograph, let out a breath. Cordelia knew when Max became a god, whatever would happen would not be easy, but she would learn all she could. The head witch would also not let anything happen to her coven. Her sister witches would thrive and stay alive.

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