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"Aceso, she's a healing goddess. Witchcraft will not work on such a wound", Persephone said. "Mother, we need to put on another kidnapping performance or something. While we're gone he can be healed." Max winced in pain. Misty came in with a bowl of water and a towel and handed it to Cordelia. Cordelia dipped the towel in the water and put it on his forehead, "It's alright, it's alright." Mel kneeled down beside him, "Hold on baby. Hold on for Lydi." She kissed his cheek. "Take him to Aceso. Derek will know how to find her." Delia called out, "Derek?!" "Let's get this over with mom." Persephone and Mel clasped hands and teleported out of the room. 

Derek and Cordelia helped Max slowly make his way towards the beautiful goddess, Aceso. The goddess greeted them, "Savior and friends. You can lay him down on the grass patch." They eased him down onto the soft grass. "We were told you could heal him." Aceso approached Karras, kneeled down beside him and observed his wound. "Yes, but it won't be that simple." She put her hand over his wound, "Who was it that has done this?" "Zeus." Aceso shook her head, "A shame." The goddess grabbed an empty vial, "A wound such as this...I need blood from your lover if you are to be healed properly." "His lover?" "She's, mm!" He clenched his fist and was shaking in pain. "His fiancée is in the underworld." "Well, she needs to get here soon. He's getting worse."

"To really sell it Mellie..." Persephone cut her hand with a small knife and smeared the blood on her forehead then her shirt. "Let's go." Mel took hold of her mother's arm and entered the underworld. Hades sat in his throne, saw his queen and daughter then rose from his seat. "Melinoe, you bring my queen back to me? Finally come to your senses?" Mel shook her head, "I'm never bringing her back." His eyes widened seeing the blood on his wife, "You hurt your own mother? Are you mad?!" "No, everything is painfully clear father." Hades was fuming with anger. He didn't know what to do. "You can have her. I'll get her back when my war is won." Mel raised her voice, "She will continue to be tortured! Do you want your queen like this?!" Mel pushed Persephone closer to Hades. "Please, king. We don't need more realms. This is your kingdom, solely yours." Hades looked at Persephone, he was conflicted. "I'll just take her, since you can't make a decision. Let me know when you want this all to stop, father." The two left. "Fine! Leave! In the end, I will win!" The two disappeared. Hades fell to his knees and a tear trickled down his face.

Persephone and Mel appeared on a green, serene piece of land. Mel saw Max in pain and ran over to him. "Why isn't he better?" Aceso put a hand on Mel's shoulder, "We need your blood." Mel immediately extended her hand to Aceso. "Just do it!" Max was breathing heavy, his eyes were droopy. Aceso took a small knife and cut Mel's palm. She held a vial up to Mel's hand the blood trickled into it. Max finally let his eyes close. Aceso took the blood filled vial and put her hand over it. The blood started bubbling as Aceso closed her eyes. Max was shaking again, Mel put a hand on his chest, "It's okay, it's okay." The blood then glowed. Aceso poured the glowing substance onto Max's wound. The wound started slowly closing. Cordelia looked at the wound healing in awe, "Never seen anything like that." "Neither have I", Mel said. After a moment, the wound was completely gone. Max's eyes opened. "Hello", Mel said. Mel rested her head on his shoulder. "It'll take some time, but the savior will live." "Thank you", the supreme said. "My pleasure. I hope Zeus is rightfully punished for his crime." "So do we", Derek said. 

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