The Plan

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Max laid Lydia in a bassinet. Max took a couple steps back as Cordelia waved her hand, creating a glow of purple. After a brief moment the purple stopped glowing. A protection charm for Lydia. "She's so sweet." Max looked at his napping daughter. "She is." Mel walked in and noticed Lydia was asleep. "Thank goodness she's sleeping", Mel whispered. Mel kissed the back of Max's head, "It's your warm touch." "What like she doesn't fall asleep in your arms?" "Only right after I feed her." Cordelia giggled. Max and Mel took a seat next to each other on the couch. Max looked at Lydia then Mel, thinking. "His wife." "What?" "Persephone, your mother. That's his greatest weakness." "What're you proposing we do with my mother?" Cordelia took a seat in a chair across from them. "Can we talk with her?"


Persephone hugged her daughter. "How are you mother?" "I'm in the sunny mortal realm, so peachy." Persephone hugged Max, "Pleasure, darling." "Likewise." Max, Mel and Persephone took a seat at the kitchen table. "Is there something wrong?" "No." Max explained further, "We were thinking of a plan to stop Hades." "I know you love my father..." Persephone chimed in, "I do dear but it's complicated. Your father has treated me very well but he's done unforgivable things. I just want him to let this go and for things to go back to normal." "Maybe you could convince him", Max said. "Dear, I hope so." Mel looked at Max, "What did you have in mind, savior?" "Feel free to chime in with ideas but I was thinking we could make it seem like we're holding you hostage. There's spells to protect you in the meantime." "You think that would shake him?" "Hades kidnapped your mother to marry. Persephone, you're his greatest love."  "Your man is right. You two got to really sell it. You can't forget he is very impulsive. There's no telling what he will do." "I've learned to expect the worse. Haven't fought him personally but I have fought his creatures." Persephone took his hand, "You will one day. Even if it's just him trying to deliver the final blow." Mel rubbed Max's back. "You think I can really defeat him?" "You won't kill him but defeat, yes. Prophecy doesn't lie Mr. Karras." Persephone looked into Mel's eyes, "Your father has done things that I have never forgiven him for. Just know...I will help you stop him. He's been even more annoying than usual." Persephone let out a short chuckle.

Max and Mel walked with Persephone to the door. Persephone turned to Max, "Thank you for loving her. Not putting her in a cage." "Of course." Persephone hugged Max. Persephone then hugged her daughter, "Take care of your sweet girl." "I will." "We will see you soon." Max opened the door for her. The couple watched her leave. Max closed the door. "Why didn't she just teleport?" "She's probably exploring the town. She's not in the underworld so she makes the most of it." A baby's cry came from another room. "Lydi's awake."

Max picked up Lydia who was crying a bit. "Aw, did we wake you up Lydi?", Mel said. Max held her and adjusted her blanket. Lydia stopped crying and took hold of Max's finger. "See? You have the touch." Mallory walked in, she looked like she was just out with a couple friends. "Oh, the cutie's here." "Hey, Mal." Mallory walked over to the three and looked at Lydia. "She has a bright light that comes from her soul. Do you see it?" Mallory pulled the blanket a bit back, a small bright light shined from her chest. "Oh my gods." The light then slowly disappeared. "What is that?", Mel asked. "It must be her power. Maybe she's a light goddess or something." Max and Mel looked at Lydia in awe. "Yeah or something." 


Mel and Max were laying in bed with Lydia asleep in a bassinet near the bed. "I know what kind of mom I want to be", Mel whispered. "Yeah?" Mel rested her head on his chest. "I'll give her space. Let her be herself. I'll give her respect." Max kissed her head, "That's wonderful. I know what kind of father I want to be, I think. I'll protect her, she'll know how to protect herself of course. I don't want to smother her or trap her." Mel snuggled up to him, "It's not fun." "Yeah." "I look down at her sweet face and I see her eyes. I remember being a trapped little girl. My dad told me I couldn't be afraid because it showed weakness." Max put his arms around her, "That's horrible." "It's different down there. You're supposed to be the being that others are afraid of, not be afraid." "She can run to us if she's ever afraid. You're supposed to comfort your kids." "Things will be different with her." 

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