Black Eyes

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Hades bit down on a black toothpick. He groaned, took the toothpick out of his mouth and threw it. Persephone entered, "You having a fit darling?" Hades turned around, "How are you not upset that our daughter is not just a traitor but sleeping with Karras?!" Persephone began filing her nails, "Maybe it's part of her plan darling." Hades slammed a fist on his throne, "No! She must've been charmed by him somehow! I have to kill him if we want a chance of getting our daughter back. But I must try something different." Persephone cocked her head to the side, "Oh, what's that?" Hades put a hand on the underworld queen's shoulder, "Something...dark."


Max and Cordelia were trimming some plants in the greenhouse. Derek entered, smiling. Cordelia hugged him. "I said I'd be back. Well, here I am." Father and son embraced as well. "Missed you." "I missed you too, son. The both of you." Cordelia patted her son's shoulder, "Max was really sick. A voodoo practicer..." Derek put a hand on his son's shoulder, "Are you alright now?" Max nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks to mom." His parents smiled. "Anything else happen while I was gone?" "Actually, yeah..." Max smiled, put his hands in his pockets, "Me and uh..." Max's upper body jolted forward, he took a step back and started breathing heavy. Cordelia rushed toward him and brought him to his feet. Derek approached him. "Max? What's wrong?" Max tried to catch his breath, "I don't know." He doubled over and groaned in pain. "It's horrible!" His head suddenly jolted upwards and his eyes turned to black. Cordelia and Derek gasped. Max's eyes went back to normal. "Sit him down." The two parents lead him to a stool and sat him down. "I can't be here. There's something inside. I don't want to hurt somebody." Max's eyes went black again and then quickly changed back to normal. "Come on. Come on, baby." The two parents got him off the stool.

All three were in the back room of the green house. Cordelia handcuffed one of Max's hands to a pipe. "This is just in case. Until I can find a spell or something to help." Mel ran in, "What's going on?" "There's something evil inside him. Like a dark energy." Delia handcuffed his other hand to the pipe. Max was sweating, "Lock the room. Don't let me kill someone." He was out of breath. "You're not going to kill anyone", Derek assured him. Cordelia and Mel kissed Max on the cheek, "I'll find something, I promise." Derek took a seat on the ground next to Max, "I'll keep an eye on him." "No!", Max protested. "You can't hurt me Max, I've fended off much evil." "Only open the door if it's me", Cordelia said. "Dad if I get worse, you need to leave. Promise me." Derek nodded, "Promise." "Go!" Cordelia and Mel exited the room and locked the door.

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