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chapter fifteen dad

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chapter fifteen

When the quinjet landed in the Philippines many hours later, the entire team was a mix of nerves and excited. Both Steve, Sam, and Natasha were excited to see their old friend again. They were more than excited, really. They hoped that Bruce would be as welcoming to them and they would be to him.

The air was warm as the sun was setting. Ray looked around at the new area she had never seen before, and was saddened at both the poverty around her.

"He's at the edge of the town. We need to go on foot from here." T'challa said.

They all followed the Wakandan King through the very small town. None of them knew truly where they were, so they walked quietly through the streets.

By the time that they reached the end of the town the sun had set and they were left in darkness, lit only by the stars.

"Okay." Steve turned to Ray. "You go in first. We will wait outside in case things go sideways."

Ray suddenly felt nervous. "I don't think I can do this."

"You can." Natasha looked at her. "You can do anything, Ray."

The young woman let out a breath of air and looked at Bucky. He nodded to her encouragingly and she let go of his arm.

"You're right. I can do this." Ray rubbed her tired eyes and looked at the small house that her father resided in. She couldn't believe that she was about to meet her father; her real father.

Slowly and very I surely, Ray made her way towards the front door. It was surprisingly left unlocked and she wondered if it was because he was so far out of town that it didn't matter to keep it locked.

The small house smelt of food and it immediately made her stomach rumble; she hadn't eaten anything in nearly a day.

The house was dark, save for one light in a small kitchen. A figure stood at the stove, stirring something in a big pot.

It was Bruce Banner.

It was Ray's father.  And she felt like she was going to be sick. She let out a small breath of air.

"I left the door open for you." His voice was deeper than she expected. "I heard the jet. You're gonna have to tell Fury he needs to make them quieter if he wants to sneak up on me, Nat."

"I'm," She stumbled over her own words. "I'm not Nat."

Bruce Banner froze from his spot as he recognized the voice from his past. Memories began to fill his head and he felt his hands twitch. Slowly, as if it were a dream, he turned around to gaze upon his daughter.


She looked just as beautiful as he remembered. Only older, much older. He thought back on his sixteen year old daughter who was excited about everything, with wide eyes and a bright future ahead. The young girl who won science projects as easily as she smiled.

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