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chapter fortyalways

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chapter forty

There was snow on the ground, hardened into ice. The December air was chilling to the touch, but the snow storm caused a beautiful winter wonderland.

In the parlor of the Avenger's facility, the huge windows lightened the room. Both Tony, Bruce, and Steve were running around like mad men, trying to finish the rushed wedding plannings that they had taken over.

Neither Bucky or Ray wanted a typical wedding. Neither of them cared to marry in a church, nor did they care if there were many people there. They would get married anywhere, as long as it was done. They wanted it to be quick and over with, they didn't care for the details.

The wedding party was kept tall, and both Ray and Bucky insisted that it would not be a black tie event. In fact, Ray had given everyone explicit detail to everyone to not get dressed up.

Though that did not mean the wedding planners had nothing to do. While the party would be small, they wanted it perfect. Steve had gotten ordained through the state and would be performing the ceremony. Bruce would walk his daughter down the aisle, or in their case, across the room. And Tony would throw rice at them.

The morning of their wedding, Bucky and Ray was lying peacefully in their bed. They didn't care for the traditions; they had enough bad luck to last a lifetime.

"I feel like this is a bad idea. I don't like the idea of Tony planning our wedding." Ray was lying on Bucky's chest.

"Yeah. Me neither. We should have just went to the courthouse."

"My dad would kill me." Ray laughed quietly.

"We need a witness. He could come."

Their peace was too short for their liking, because too soon they were launched into their day.

Natasha has practically begged Ray to wear a wedding dress. And she almost won. But Ray was more stubborn than a mule, and knew exactly what she would wear.

The dress was flown in by herself. The same very black dress that Bucky bought her four years ago. The black dress with white flowers, and a knotted bow in the middle. She hadn't worn it in years and was surprised when it still fit. Though this time, she thought she looked more beautiful in it.

When it finally came time for the wedding, in the middle of the afternoon, Ray wished more than anything that they just went to the courthouse. She felt silly and stupid, even embarrassed.

Though Bruce stood tall beside her, more than happy to be walking his daughter down the isle. He never believed he would have had the chance. Just the fact that he was able to made him so happy.

ALWAYS || Sequel to BUCKY ✔️Where stories live. Discover now