Chapter 7

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Deciding to at least look around and see if there was maybe anything they could use, Minho had located a small room behind a metal gate.

The room was filled with a variety of items such as flashlights, metal canisters that might've once held some kind of fuel, random articles of clothing and more, all of it covered in fine layers of sand and dust.

Gathering water bottles filled with stale but clean water, among a couple other necessities, Thomas had left with Minho to see if they could find anything else.

The rest of them busied themselves, quietly packing backpacks with whatever they thought they might need.

Newt had helped Emma walk inside, she sitting on a metal chair with an old and cracked leather seat as she  packed her own bag, inspecting each item carefully before deciding to put it in.

She didn't miss the looks Newt kept giving her every five seconds, like he was afraid she would disappear if he didn't make sure she was still there.

He looked over. "What love?"

"Its gonna be okay."
Trying to smile a little, at least for his sake, Emma could tell he wasn't entirely convinced at all.

Coming over to her, Newt crouched down, taking one of her hands in his.
Rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, he sighed.
"I know we will be Emmy. You just really had me worried there for a awhile."

His eyes meeting hers, he leaned forwards, giving her a sweet, gentle kiss, lingering a few moments before pulling away.
Returning to packing his bag, Newt stayed close by, the pair sharing brief looks every so often.


It was Teresa with the other girl, Kyra, who'd been rescued with Emma.
"I found us some clothes that might fit, you want to maybe come try them on?
There's a little space in the back where we can go for some privacy if you'd like."

Newt exchanged a glance with Emma, and she nodded. "Sure."
Helping her to stand, Teresa didn't need to do much,  Emma's legs being able to carry most of her weight now, only a little shaky.

As the three girls went in the back, and began trying on the articles of clothing and some shoes Teresa had found, Newt noticed Frypan's head turn that direction.

With a wry smile, he turned Fry's chin so he wasn't watching the girls change.

"What?" Frypan said, kind of embarrassed.

Newt only shook his head slightly in response, both boys going back to packing for the long journey that lay ahead.


Now dressed in the dark blue jacket and pair of boots Teresa had found for her (WCKD had apparently taken her other ones), Emma probed around the room while not straying too far from Newt, looking in the various dusty corners for anything she or they might need.

Something caught her eye, glinting in the light of her flashlight.
Moving aside a stack of some sand covered item, Emma discovered what appeared to be a belt, like one would wrap around the waist.

The glint she'd seen, was the blade of a knife, sticking up out of its sheath a little. Withdrawing it, Emma held it up in the light.

Then, for a moment no longer than a blink, it was as if she was somewhere else, looking over a similar weapon.

But then, the moment was gone.
Shaking her head Emma sighed, inspecting the rest of the belts contents, which were five other knives, two slimmer than the other three.

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