Chapter 12

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It had been what felt like several hours when they finally stopped to sleep, Jorge deeming it safe.
At first glance, he had seemed like the type to only do what benefited himself, but now, Emma could see it had always been the other way around.

It had all been for Brenda, who originally she had thought was Jorge's daughter, but come to find out, she wasn't.
Jorge had taken Brenda in under his wing after WCKD had apparently abandoned her when she was pretty young.

Even though Jorge reassured them that Brenda and Thomas had made it out and would lead Thomas to Marcus, and them, Emma could still see the worry in his eyes.

Jorge stoked the fire with a piece of old metal rebar,stirring the coals to keep the fire burning.
Aris, Teresa, and Kyra were out like a light, but Minho, Frypan, Newt and Emma remained awake.

Sitting between Newt's legs, Emma stared into the flames, thinking on Jorge's earlier words.


"Hm?" He looked over at her, and Emma licked her lips, hesitating before asking her question.

"Earlier, you commented that Elite's.....that I was valuable, because I was one. Why?"

At the confused expression that momentarily appeared on his face, she explained that whatever that meant, she couldn't remember.
Having been sent up to the Maze, it was a miracle she remembered anything at all, let alone enough to know who Newt was.

Though some part of her wondered why that was.

"They sent you into their Maze? That doesn't sound like WCKD," Jorge's brows furrowed.

"I'm glad they did though, whatever their reasons." Emma commented softly, feeling Newt's fingers running through her hair, which she'd let down out of her bun.

"We all are," Minho half grinned, making Emma smile a little in return. "Not to mention how nice it is seeing the sappy look on this shanks face here," he said, gesturing with a thumb at Newt.

Chuckles came from the five of them, Jorge giving Emma and Newt a sideways smirk of approval.
"How long have you two known each other for? You seem close."

"Three years. At least, as far as I can remember." Newt smiled down at her.

"Well.....the Elite's were a group of immunes trained by WCKD as soldiers, mercenaries, and assassins. A few years ago something happened, people stopped hearing them around. Most of us just figured WCKD had moved them up north."

Slowly the smile faded from Emma's face as she thought on what he said, Jorge appearing apologetic as he realized.

"Hermana, listen. WCKD has does some horrible things. All the Elite's were, were pawns for them. That was it. Zip, zilch, nada. Anything you may have or haven't done, you can't blame yourself. It doesn't mean that you are a bad person.
You're simply a good person, who some very bad things have happened to. Even though I don't really know you kids, I can definitely tell that much."

Smiling a little, Emma turned over her switchblade in her fingers.


Number One was tired. Her squad had stopped at Compound A after yet another reconnaissance mission.
She had just been about to retire to her bunk when Teresa Agnes had come and informed her that Dr. Ava Paige had wished to go over a final briefing with her before the night was through.

A private meeting with the Doctor was rare. Number One hoped that this wouldn't be regarding her recent insubordination......

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