Chapter 3

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"Emmy! Come on love wake up," Newt pleaded, half holding her limp body on his lap, cradling her head in his arms.

His mind was a whirl of complete panic. He'd never seen her like this before.
It had just come violently, out of nowhere.

A line of dark red blood dripped from her left nostril, contrasting against her very pale skin.
Before she'd collapsed, Newt remembered Emma had looked at him, terrified. Like she was unable to control herself.

"Please, Emmy...." Not caring that his voice was trembling, he quickly felt for a pulse, remembering how Em would do it.
Newt's heartbeat calmed when he felt it, but she still wasn't waking up.

Two guards followed by a doctor pushed through the circle of gladers and other whispering kids.

"Did you see that?"

"Yeah, her hand, and then it was like---"

"Okay let's get her to the med wing, we'll take it from here everyone. Back to your tables!"

And then Emmy was being taken from him, and Newt stood up, almost in protest, that seein bringing him back to his senses.
"Let me go with her," he implored desperately, looking into the eyes of the doctor whom he remembered had been examining Teresa earlier.

Dr. Crawford, as her name tag stated, set a gentle hand on Newt's shoulder, barring him from following Emmy's unconscious body as she was carried through the doors at the far end of the room.
"We'll look after her. But for now you need to stay here with your group."

Newt wanted to, with every fiber in his being to follow after Em, to run through those doors in spite of what the woman had told him no matter the consequences.
He had already thought he lost her once, Newt didn't want to go through that experience again.

His eyes followed after Emmy, catching a last glimpse of her dark hair as they disappeared around the corner, watching her through the glass windows.

"Alright," he muttered reluctantly.

They could trust these people. They had helped the gladers escape from WCKD.
Newt had to believe his Emmy would be okay.

Wouldn't she?


Not long after that the six boys were escorted to their dorm which had bunk beds lining the walls on either side, freshly made mattresses and neatly folded clothes at the foot of the beds.
A mirror hung on the wall on one side of the room, a small florescent light above it and a small sink underneath.

The sight of all of that was almost enough to help Newt forget his worries over Em, at least temporarily.

He wished that doctor had let him go with her,so he could be there when Emmy woke up.

"I got top bunk!" Frypan called with a smile, but was interrupted by Minho, who was up and over the side of the top bunk in an instant.

"Too slow," Minho teased.

"I could get used to this," Winston sighed contentedly, laying down on a lower bunk with his hands behind his head.

Newt looked around at everything, appraising their new quarters.
"Yeah, it's not bad."

"What do you think those guys want with Emma and Teresa?"

The former second in command turned to Thomas, who held worry in his eyes.
"Now, if there's one thing I know about those girls," Newt swallowed past the small lump in his throat, thinking of Emmy again, "they can take care of themselves. Don't worry about it."

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