Chapter 13 Our First Date

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After playing I told the guys that I was going to go get ready for our date. I walked to the dorm and walked pass a guy. Then he stopped and turned around.

"Excuse me? Do you know where Chris is? I'm his friend Cyanide."

I think that's his name.... I don't know?

"Yes I do know where Chris is. Are you new here?" I asked. "Yea, we were talking and he said how cool this school is so he invited me to attend it." "Cool, my name is Ashley and I'm Chris's cousin." I said walking with him back to the game-room. "Oh! That's what he was talking about how you were here with him." He said. "Yea, he invited me here too. Well we're here!" I said. "Wow! This place is huge!" He said looking around. "Yea. Chris! Your friend is here!" "Hey! Cyanide! You made it!" Chris said. "Wait shouldn't you be changing for your date?" Chris asked. "Ooo! Your cousin has a date tonight?" "Yep! Don't even think about flirting with her!" Chris said. "Yea well I gotta go..." I said walking off. "Okay." Chris said continuing to talk to his friend. I went back to my dorm and changed into my rainbow shirt that says 'Keep Calm and Be Yourself', jean shorts, my DC pink shoes with my hair down. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door. Surprisingly Jason just walked out of his dorm. "Hey you ready?" "Yep!"

< In the car >

"Where are we going? Where are we going? Where are we-" "ITS A FREAKIN SURPRISE!!!" Jason yelled. "Okay, Daddy." "What the heck" "I'm bored. What else am I supposed to do?" I asked. "We're here!" Jason said parking the car.

"A carnival!!!" I said surprised. "Yep! I know how much you like carnivals." Jason said. "OMG JASON LOOK AT THAT TEDDY BEAR!!!" I said pointing at a big purple teddy bear. "I see it." Jason said walking to the game thingy. He paid the lady and popped enough balloons to win the bear. "Here ya go!" The lady said handing Jason the bear. "Thanks." Jason said starting to walk away. "Now this is for my lovely girlfriend." Jason said handing it to me. "Aww! Jason you're so sweet!" I said giving him a kiss. After the date we went out to eat and went back to the gang.

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