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book dedicated to @Bathabile987 on Instagram for the idea and plot that helped me write the book.


"PLEASE STOP!" I shouted but no anvil, he already has his knuckle braces on , a big wicked smile on his face.

With one quick motion, he pulled back his hand and thrusts his fist in my stomach. And did it again and again, until I felt as if my soul was knocked out of me. He stopped, shaking his hand.

"You keep your fûcking mouth shut you brat!" He spat turning around to open my bedroom door before saying" Say goodbye to your brother."

I tried getting up but before I could register what was going on, the dropped underneath me like shattered glass. I was falling fast-


There was nothing to hold on too, no one can help me now-

Madeleine,wake up!

Wake up, how? What's going on?


I jolted awake, chest heaving I took a deep breathe. My forehead was covered in cold sweat, I looked up at my brother Drake, worry evident on his face. He started stroking my head trying to carm me down.

"Shh. It was just a nightmare, don't cry."

I didn't know I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I took another deep breathe and gave him a shaky smile. "Just a nightmare?"

"Just a nightmare."

With that he gave me a small smile before exiting my room, quietly shutting the door behind him.

I don't exactly remember when my nightmare faze started. I think it was when I found out my dad abused my mom.

I actually found out my mistake. Eleven years back when I was running home from school to tell my parents that they let us out early because it was Valentine's week at school.

I got to my parents room stopping when I heard screaming followed my a loud smake. Panicked I reached to my tippy toes to twist the door handle.

When the door fully opened, I was a sight that still haunts me today.

My dad was towering over my mom with a belt in his hands. I dropped the finger paint card I made for them and ran out the house to the park.

I sat on a swing and started bowling my eyes out.

Later that day I returned home with a fake smile plastered on my face. The first thing I saw was Drake, gym sorts on which showed me that me was from swimming practice, watching art attack.

Then there was mom, stirring away at a pot of stew with a far away look on her face.

I slowly approached her and asked.

"Are you okay mommy?" She smiled and stopped what she was doing to bend down to my level.

"Happy as I could ever be."She trailed off twisting her wedding ring.

I pulled out a crumbled white rose from my pocket and gave it to her." Happy Vwalentine's week mommy."

She took it sniffing it then hugging me. That's the day I promised to help out more with chores so she could relax and it's always been like that , ever since.

I picked up my crumbled orange comforter from the floor and covered my trembling body.

Hopefully I won't have another one . I slowly drifted back to sleep.



I woke up to my alarm clock blaring Phoenix by fall out boy. I shut my alarm clock and stared at my ceiling for a few sec's before digging in my subconscious to find the motivation I needed to get up.

I got out of bed finding my very adorable yellow fluffy Garfield slippers putting them on.

I dragged my feet to the shared bathroom , lazily knocking on the door twice.

I heard my brothers muffled voice shout something along the lines off. 5 more minutes ,and something like , respect your elders.

First of all, 5 minutes means two hours to my brother, secondly- I'm the oldest between the two of us.

By 4 minutes.

But technically I'm older and I need the respect I deserve, but Drake wasn't having any of it.

He came out 36 minutes later with that stupid smile on his face, fully dressed, playing worst behavior by drake on his phone.

He checked the time on his phone," You have 25 minutes before mom leaves you behind, I suggest you use your time wisely."

I pushed him heading inside grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and taking it to the shower with me.

I sighed ,times like these I had to multitask. Heck if there was a multitasking competition ,I'd win 1st place.

I ran out to my room and threw on a simple white T-shirt and dark blue high waist jeans, paring it with my favorite white and black vans.

I grabbed a coffee flavored muffin before heading out.

When I got outside my brother sitting in the passenger seat listening to Skywalker by Miguel on the radio.I got in shutting the car door.

Note to self: kill Drake later.

The college were I and Drake would be attending isn't that far actually, more or less 15 minute drive, tops with traffic.

I had a dream of being an aspiring young singer, while Drake wanted and had the talent of being the world's next Dj khalid.

I guess you can call us the talented duo. Hopefully our dreams would be a reality in the future.

Finally the campus of the arts came to view, were we would be going to for the next 3 years.

We walked into the campus and stopped at the reception to get our schedules.

The reception room was very artistic if I might add. Pale pink with famous sayings covered the wallpaper. Very modern furniture and paintings all over the place.

With one more look around the place I knew that this place was going to rock my world more dangerous than a earthquake.

And for some reason, I liked it.


Please picture Drake as luka sabbet

Hope you enjoyed the chapter*.*

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