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Okay. Let's get one thing straight.

I'm not a morning person, like at all. I don't understand morning people, why would you leave your lovable, dreamy, warm comforter to sit on your cold , squeaky porch just to see the flipping sun rise.

But for some unknown weird reason, I woke up early. It's like my body had a sudden urge to do something, anything at anytime.

I snuggled more into my pink comforter and closed my eyes, trying to invite sleep in. I let out a long sigh giving up, when I realized I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

I slowly got out of bed doing my weird stretch thing and trudged towards my wardrobe. I took out a simple blue T-shirt and white leggings.

Grabbed a towel and made my way too the shared bathroom. I stripped off my grey sleep shirt and shorts and jumped into the shower when the temperature was just right.

A hum of satisfaction escaped my lips when the hot water trickled down my bare back, making me more wake.

I've always loved hot showers, they always help me escape from the real world and clear my thoughts, making me more wake.

I started cleaning myself when I felt the temperature of the water drop.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel . I stood in front of the bathroom sink and started doing my daily routine.

I put on the T-shirt and leggings paring it with grey converse. Since I'm a bit brain dead, I lightly coated my face with black eye liner and transparent lip gloss.

Tried my curls into a high ponytail before grabbing my phone and connecting my white Bluetooth headphones.

I left the apartment strolling to a nice Café close by, listening to Billie Eilish's new song ' when the party is over' on repeat.

I started humming the lyrics when the familiar song blasted through my headphones. I finally reached the Café door opening with a sweet chime.

As soon a I did, sweet smells of cookies muffins and coffee reached my nostrils - making me groan when my stomach started growling.

I walked up to the counter and waited in line to order. When it was my turn I ordered a chocolate muggachino and a grilled sandwich. Smiling to the girl behind the counter I handed her the correct amount of money and stepped out of the line.

I found a small table at the back with two white chairs facing each other next to a window. It was fogged due to the early February weather.

A couple minutes went by until my name was called out. I got up making my way to the counter to grab my coffee but slipped and started seeing my world in slow motion.

What felt like I was going to fall in a deep pit of embarrassment, two strong arms wrapped around my waist to keep me from falling, making me gasp in surprise.

I looked up and was met with captivating baby blue eyes and recognised them.

Box guy

he didn't change at all, he just switched his fall out boy T-shirt with a 5SOS one. "You should start checking were you're going before you get a concussion."

"S-sorry, I really should." I stood up straight so my hands were on his shoulders.

He chuckled," No worries."

I looked down before asking," Would you like to join me?"

He looked at me blankly and blinked once and twice before raising an eyebrow.

" Didn't your parents teach you the phrase 'stranger danger'?"

Yes they did,but they never said anything about drop dead gorgeous ones

"They did actually but you're not a stranger." I looked up at him, a small smile spread across my face.

"Id love too but, i'm kinda is a hurry, maybe next time."

I turned my face to the opposite direction so he wouldn't see it starting to heat up with embarrassment .

"I'm sorry i-it was dumb of-"

"Don't be, why don't you give me your number so we can keep in touch since you'll be needing someone to save you every time you fall over."

He reached into his back pocket taking out a black iPhone, putting in the pin before handing it to me.

I punched in my phone numbers and saving them under Maddy :-)

I smiled up at him and handed him his phone." Well I don't think you'll be saving me anytime soon."

A warm smile spread across his face, making his eyes twinkle." You know what they say, you can never be too sure."

"See you around box boy." I replied gathering my stuff .

" You too, Madeleine."

I hope you enjoyed the chapter..

The chapter is a bit short but I promise I'll make the next a bit longer.

Don't forget to

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