Chapter 5: The Discoveries

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You stared at him in awe. He looked so different. Glancing at Hisoka, you raised your eyebrow and looked between the two of them.

"I must apologize for withholding my identity from you, but my brother is here at the Hunter Exam and he can't be permitted to know that I'm here," Illumi told you.

Hisoka took hold of your attention by squeezing your ass once more.

"Didn't we establish that your actions are inappropriate?" Illumi spoke, his gaze landing coldly on Hisoka.

Illumi crossed the room and waltzed into the bathroom, you could hear the shower water start to run a minute later. Hisoka laid down on the bed, stretching his arms before resting them behind his head.

"I should get going," you murmured, starting towards the door.

"Why don't you stay with us?" Hisoka asked boredly.

"A girl staying with two men? Do you know how that sounds?"

"Sounds like they made an alliance to me~"

"Fine. I'll stay with you guys. But you have to be 'professional' as Illumi calls it,"

He nodded in compliance before shutting his eyes and sighing, likely attempting to fall asleep. You pressed your back against a nearby wall and slid down, sitting with your legs out and your head leaning back. You relaxed and let your aura fall into its natural state.

"Are you really going to sleep against the wall?" you heard him ask you.


"Why don't you join me up in the bed?"

"Do you hear yourself when you speak?"

"Why, yes. I think carefully about my words~"

You opened your eyes and stared at him accusingly.

"It's so cold without you, and the covers aren't as soft when they're cold," he whined jokingly.

You stood up and walked over to the bed, laying down on the very edge. You were tired of walking around so you breathed deeply and shut your eyes, trying to maintain your guard at the same time. Until you felt his hands pull you closer to him.

"Hisoka, no," you said, pushing yourself off of him.

"Oh?" Hisoka slid his hands back around your waist and pulled you into his form, "but it's so fun to tease you~"

You gasped, realizing that you were getting closer to the floor. He had pushed you off the bed in rebellion. Your face hit the carpet and you made a sound of discomfort. You struggled, but you managed to stand and brush some specks of lint off of your outfit before turning around.

"Y/N!" Illumi exclaimed in surprise.

You nearly shrieked and tried to cover your eyes. You hadn't heard the bathroom door open and had caught a glimpse of Illumi's half-naked glory.

"I'm so sorry!" you frantically tried to apologize.

You kept your eyes hidden behind your hands until you heard Illumi give you the okay.

Taking your hands away, you started to speak, "Okay, now I should really go..."

"No, don't be concerned with today's events. It was accidental and won't happen again," Illumi replied.

"You're an ally and we enjoy your company," Hisoka spoke up.

"Okay, but this better not get any worse,"

Illumi was seated on the left side of the bed, Hisoka had been lying down on the right side for a while now. Hisoka patted his hand on the middle of the bed, signaling for you to come join them.

Hisoka X Illumi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now