The Royalty of Demon kin

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[Princess~~~say ahhhh]
ughhh,I am not a baby you know!(even the truth is I am a baby right now)

After all the past incidents , I could assumed that actually I was reincarnated fron my past life,becoming a princess of the Demon Kingdom that has been ruled by my father,Demon Lord Russ.
I also have two brother ,which means that there would be a first prince and the second prince of the kingdom.I never seen them since I was just get born earlier.

Right now,I was taking my breakfast
with my maid,Roselia.For some reason I could feel nanny Rose presence from her.A warm yet cozy feeling that surrounds her makes me feels at ease right now.

While I was eating,my father ,Russ came inside the room with two boy beside him.My brothers I guess.

[Yes,my lord]
He just chased Roselia away just like that?
What he gonna do to me?

[Joseph,Ray this is your little sister,Sasenia ]
oh,he is introducing me to the princes.

[She's cute!!]
A boy with white hair looking at me with his red wide eyes.
awww so cuteeee!!!
since I was just a baby,all that I can do was giggling and smiling at him.
[Nonsense,she is ugly, are you blind?]
The other boy with black hair and blue eyes looked at me with a serious glances and it scared me just a little.
Well...I am a winner being a human who can endure the arts of bullying,hehehe...ops! I am a demon already right now.

[Make sure she stays alive until she was 18 years old,and then we will kill her]

And then they agreed just like that?

Right now in front of me you guys said that you are going to kill me when I reached 18 years old?

HELL NO!I am going to kept myself alive.I don't want to waste the precious gift given by God just like this.

Just you wait,I will be the strongest demon alive in this world!!Just you see!!

As they talked with each other about whatsoever topics that I do not about,
I started to plan my journey to survive in this life.

Eeeeehh??!! The Demon lord is my father??Where stories live. Discover now