Series: Hello 03

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"Pain cripples, fear haunts, doubt ruins
Comfort enlightens, faith strengthens, and confidence soars.
You choose what you'll decide to be,
for what the future has in store."

The pain is gone. I'm somehow over it now. By grace, through faith, I'm making it through.
My daughter has a new look and it suits her. She's so beautiful. She convinced me to get a new look too or at least freshen up. I've been too zombie like lately.
I smile at my daughter walking along the streets, greeting everyone who passes by me with a happy, "hello!"
And now I have to apply it to myself. He's gone but we're still here. We can still carry out what we wanted to do. The old dreams we had as star crossed lovers, the dream of- growing old together.
My daughter takes my hand and gives me an encouraging nod.
Say goodbye to the old me, the old ways, the past. And hello to a brighter future.

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