Chapter 4: Why!?

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Disclaimer, this'll be a sadder chapter than the others.


(Michi's POV)

I am now four, my parents got married when I was around two, they first got to know eachother, before anything, that's why it took them so long, I can now walk and talk fluently again, I am happy!

My brother and I are being homeschooled for the time being, we have our own private tutors to teach us. My father decided to give me a chance in becoming the heir of his dukedom, which I am happy about, but I'd rather give it to my brother instead, he works so hard for it.


What was that?!

"Ethan run! Take Mana with you, we'll fend off the perpetrators! Just go!" My mother shouts out, Ethan runs into my room picks me up tears streaming down his face, but he runs out into the forest, suddenly we hear a loud explosion as my brother goes to turn back I can already smell the smoke, tears streaming down my face, the manor is on fire, maids and butlers stumbling out the building, covered in markings, some with burns, others with permanent scars, markings covered everyone, but we hadn't seen our parents come out yet.

The building collapsing right infront of our eyes, whoever cause the fire was already gone, the once lively manor turned into ashes, in the middle of everything there was two corpses, their flesh burning, some bones showing off, covered in ash, almost disappearing in the wind. We could do nothing with what happened here. We can only pray, that wasn't our parents just a maid and butler that couldn't make it out. But everyone else was accounted for, except our parents.

We couldn't believe it, we just couldn't.. They're dead, yet we just had to run away from it all. We didn't have any power at all, it was also unheard of the power of reviving the undead.. So, we're outta luck.

A butler comes up to us, I remember him Noir, he was my dad's trusted butler.

"I'm sorry for your loss, your father left an letter, adressing his will if anything like this occurred." Noir gives us a letter, then he walked away, the other maids and butlers walked off into the woods.

Letter addressed who would get what, also a map, lots of coins, also on the back of the paper it said that our father had the "White Power" to see into the future, it is called "Vision",  he already knew he was going today, he told us that he had a reason for why he decided to just let himself and our mother died.

There was another letter it was from our mother addressed to me, inside there was a note telling me, that my mother was a princess from another kingdom, she also told me, that my original mother was a dark angel, and that I'll gain some of her powers in the future. I was given a pendant, some more money, and another map directing me to her kingdom. She also told me she decided to die with my father today, because there is always a reason has set a certain path and she didn't want to ruin that path.


After we were done crying, we decided that'd it be better to go to the closest village and stay there for a couple of nights, figure out a way to sustain ourselves.

We took out the first map, our dad gave us, and put use to it, we took a shortcut through the forest to "Kingston Village".


We found ourselves at the front gate of, "Kingston Village",

"What're ya kids doin' here? Where's yah parents?" A Knight asks us, suddenly I burst out into tears, my brothers eyes glistening,

"Mwomma and Pawpa, th-they're gwone!" I cried out loud, suddenly I feel a pat on my head,

"It's okay kiddo, I'm the same way, but, I guess I can pay your fee, I'll have someone direct you to the, "Adventurer's Guild" they're usually down to take kids like ya, put you two gotta wait until you're about fifteen to start missions, so don't think you're gonna just go off on your own into the real world." The Knight tells us, he then pays our fee and has a adventurer passing through take us to the guild.

"What happened to your parents?" The mage asks us,

"B-Big fire, cause bad man broke in, they're ash now." I replied, playing the kid act,

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories for you two!" The mage blabbers out, as she stutters she grimaces over what she said.


The rest of the way it was quiet, but we finally made it to the, "Adventurer's Guild". The lady at the counter, was a well renowned front lines tanker, who retired and decided to be the secretary of the guild.

""Welcome to the guild!""


I hope you liked it!


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