Time for action!

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I ate my breakfast faster than usual today, I wish I could savor the taste of Cali's cooking more, but I had to be fast today. I told Alabama and Florida before breakfast to eat faster so we could have one of our top secret totally-epic-but-not-as-epic-as-me meetings.

I finished first while Alabama and Florida were still eating. I got into our meeting room and sat down on the floor. I was the leader of the Trouble Trio. I was the best at planning pranks and playing out silly jokes. Me, Alabama, and Florida's group was all about fun and getting away from reality. This meeting was different though. This meeting I was planning something serious, it was about dad. I had been worried for dad for weeks now. Ever since these little world meetings started happening he's been getting sadder and sadder. Some days he comes home slightly happier, but that rarely happens anymore. He tries to hide it under a smile, but I could tell the difference between a fake and real smile anyday, I have to much experience with smiles to miss a fake one. Today I wanna try and change the way he comes home. I want to find out what's happening at those meetings that's making him so......depressed.

Just then, Alabama came in with a sad looking Florida.

"My orange......" whined Florida with a pouty lip.

"Oh shut it, you can get another one after the meetin' 'Flor" Alabama responded, while lightly smacking Florida's head.


"C'mon guys" I said I wanted to show them this was serious, I never really liked being completely serious, but today I had to.

"Yeah, yeah Tex, let's get this started!" Alabama suddenly shouted.

"So what epic prank are we planning today Tex?" Asked Florida after she got over her orange's death.

" Alan, Ferna." Those we're their human names. We barely used our human names, but I did it to get their minds out of the idea that this meeting is a joke.

"This meeting is about dad, I'm worried about him. Have you guys noticed anything about his emotions lately?" I asked. I wanted to know if they had the same thoughts I did, since we usually thought in sinc.

"Y-you noticed that too, Turner?" Responded Florida in a highly worried tone. She called me my human name in response to show she understood the seriousness in the room.

"Yeah, he's been coming home more....d-depressed, huh Turner?" Responded Alabama while me and Florida nodded our heads. Alabama's face turned into a worried look as well.

"Well, me, being the amazing hero I am, have a plan to try and stop this!" I exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Well? what is it my dude!" Alabama shouted, clearly trying to lighten the mood as well.

"Yeah what is it "Mr. Hero"?" Asked Florida with a playfull smile.

After I explained my genius plan to them, I caught Alabama glancing at the door. I looked at the door myself and saw a tall gloomy figure standing behind it looking into the room.

"Hey 'Laska! We need ya bro!" Shouted Alabama suddenly. That's who the figure was, Alaska. I didn't really like him that much. He's a jerk, a tall Alaskan jerk. He took my rightful spot at biggest state and took dad's attention! I guess Alabama's right though we do need him for our plan to work.

We explained our situation to him and after a small bit of begging him to help, we convinced him to help us with our awesome plan.

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