Who Are You?

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I got these next one or two chapter ideas from ragebullgaming. Thank you so much! You helped a lot!!

Texas's POV

I stared at Alaska after he said his little speach.

His pale skin, white as a ghost, I once said. his black hair, he got that cut a few days ago. His cold blue-violet eyes, sharp and cold, but soft and warm deep down. That speach was pretty intense now that I think about it. He got the emotions spot on and everything. Was dad not the only one dealing with.....? I know it seems like an over the top assumption, but I can't help but worry, he is my little brother after all. I care for all my siblings actually, even the older ones, dad too. They mean the world to me and I'm more than willing to die for them. But at first it wasn't like that, at first I wanted nothing more but to be my own country. I fought and argued with dad millions of times before I finally excepted that I stood no chance. But soon after I became part of the union, I met the others, my siblings. They were all nice at first, but later on, closer to now, they started to point out flaws and say I'm a selfish jerk. But hey, I still love them, and they still love me! Their awesome big brother! I think....

I looked to the floor, my hat hanging over my face. I would move it out of the way, but my arms were around Florida and Alabama now, keeping them safe. Don't want those countries touchin' em', never know what they're gonna do.

"Where is he?" I heard that stupid brit say. I had heard stories from people like Dela and Virginia about how snobby he is. How dare he even want to go near dad. How dare he. I smiled at him nonetheless.

"I don't know partner" Cowboy slang. My specialty. Yee haw.

"How do you not know?! He's your dad" stupid brit. Hate this dude already. Alaska stared into his soul while I shifted my weight onto Alabama's shoulder a bit more and pushed up my hat with my other arm. Intimidation is key, Dad had said. He's right, he's always right. Intimidation, yeah, got it.

"We're as clueless as you are right now" Alabama spoke up almost immediately after I leaned on him. He elbowed my side and I shifted my weight back to Florida's shoulder. She didn't seem to mind.

I looked to all the countries that were with us right now. England, or Britain, or maybe it's UK? I don't know, but he's a jerk. Another dude with long blonde hair that seemed to be wearing makeup, wait...was that a girl? Or a dude? What is up with these countries being so weird? He kind looked like that other guy claiming he's my dad's brother. I don't even think I guess who he was if I tried. Then there's that weird Russian guy, he's staring at us. It's creepy. I tighten my grip on Alabama and Florida and dip my head low to stare back at him.

 [ California's POV ]     

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ONLY GOT DAD?!?" I shouted at D.C. According to dad, Alabama, Alaska, Florida, and Texas got themselves in a LOT of trouble. I'm going to kill them when they get home! Especially Texas!! That idiot probably started this whole thing!! UGH!!

"Look, the portal was already closing and I didn't want those countries following us. We'll get Texas, Alaska, Alabama and Florida soon." D.C. tried to calm me down but it didn't work. For all I know, they could be getting beat up by those countries right now!

"It was my fault they're gone in the first place...I should've stayed at the cameras...." Tennessee blamed herself.

"Oh stop that little sis, it wasn't your fault..." Kentucky tried to pat Tennessee's head only for his hand to be smacked away.

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