America's Second Secret

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England's P.O.V.

I went back into the meeting room behind France, feeling anger boiling in the depths of my stomach. Who does America think he is keeping a child secret from us? He has no right to hide any new nation or micro nation from me or any of the countries and he knows that!! I furrowed my brows in anger as I walked to my chair. I felt my eye start to twitch and I let it. I didn't care about any of the other countries thoughts on my eye twitching, I just wanted to know who that damn child was!! I inhaled deeply through my nose, held it, then let my breath slowly seep out of my mouth. Just then Germany began to yell, disturbing me and making my anger levels rise through the roof.


"SHUT UP YOU WANKER!! I WILL NOT JUST LET CANADA KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT WHAT THAT IDIOT AMERICA IS HIDING!! HE HAS NO RIGHT TO KEEP ANY NEW NATION HIDDEN FROM US OR JUST DECIDE TO HIDE A CHILD!! SO I NEED YOU ALL TO SHUT YOUR STUPID COUNTRY MOUTHS AND HELP ME FIND THAT CHILD AND TAKE IT FROM HIM BEFORE AMERICA MAKES An IDIOTIC MISTAKE AND KILLS IT!!!" my anger burst out. I couldn't keep that boiling anger down any longer. I walked out of the building, surrounded by a horribly angry aura. I was walking over to the alleyway where we first found America when I noticed someone walking behind me. I turned around aggressively, pretty much done with everyone, and saw that stupid silky blonde hair and those weirdly coluorful clothes. Of course it was France, the one person I hadn't wanted to follow me. The stupid frog wouldn't know anything about this! He has no reputation with America compared to me! Plus, I'm actually his brother! Not him!

"What are you doing here frog!" I hissed at him hoping he would go away, but inside I knew if he actually did just walk away, I would probably cry. France apparently knew this already and just stepped towards me again.

"Aww come on angelttere, I want to help~" France did that annoying whiny voice when he needed something or wanted something. His stupid face is the only reason I let him come along with me. He gave me a sad looking face with a small stubborn pout that reminded me just a little about America when he was small. When America got mad when he was little he would make an adorable face, close to the one France gave me. I started to tear up, as I thought about how that small, innocent America I knew, was now grown, keeping secrets from me and everyone else and slowly drifting away. He's slowly drifting out of my reach and I can't help but feel worried. I don't want him to drift away completely, then think that there is no one there for him while he sits alone. That thought terrified me. the thought of America, alone and abandoned. It reminded me of when I went to go get a certain flower for him. He had been very excited to hear I would get it for him, which just made me more eager to get it and make him happy. I had come back home, given it to him then had to leave again to settle some things with France, but when I came back, America wasn't himself. I came back to find him, not jumping happily at my arrival, but sitting in the corner, crying. He was saying things about how he didn't want to be a nation, and how he didn't want to live. The image of him crying in a corner alone with no one to comfort him, or keep him safe when the depths of his thoughts consumed him while I wasn't home made hot tears finally make their way down my cheeks.

"England?" I looked up to see the frog, his eyes filled with...worry..? Why would someone worry about me?

"Are you ok?" He asked. We were on the side walk and I could see the alleyway as I looked straight ahead, not wanting to see France's worried gaze again. He tried to grab my hand and use his stupidly romantic magic on me, but I pulled my hand away as soon as I felt his soft skin. I started to feel my face getting hotter against my will.

"I-I'm fine frog! Now let's go find America! NOW!" I lashed out on him and started to walk away, angry about the way he made me feel and angry about America's situation. Also the thought of being open with France was absurd. Plus, I couldn't just tell him I was thinking about America crying could I?

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