Normal Morning?

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Alaska's POV.

I sat at the kitchen table for breakfast. California's cooking today, which is strange since she never cooks anything but diner usually, and even that happens rarely. It's not that she's a bad cook or anything, no no no she's great, it's just that ever since the incident that happened while she was cooking that one time that stopped her from cooking for me and my siblings all the time. You see, sometimes California (her human name is Caitlyn) over heats or burns things. It's because of all the fires in her state and the huge drought going on in her area that causes her to be really, really hot sometimes. Also her hands shake a lot due to earthquakes and such. So I wasn't as surprised as everyone else was when she accidentally touched an ingredient for the food she was making,which caused into burst into small flames. She immediately dropped the ingredient into the mixture she was making, so that caught on fire, and then before we knew it Mr. America was spraying the kitchen with a fire extinguisher. He didn't punish Cali too hard though because he knew it wasn't her fault, but he did ban her from cooking all the time.

I catch a small whiff of Cali's food, is she making pancakes? And... bacon? I can't really tell she adds so many extra flavors and spices to things you can almost never tell what she's making. Whatever she's making I hope she puts some salmon on the side of my plate.

A sort of flinging noise snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over at the 49 kids in front of me. Across the table I see Texas with his spoon folded back with a piece of a ripped up napkin on it. Looks like he's getting in trouble again...and I think Florida decided to join in this time.

"TEXAS, PUT DOWN YOUR DAMN SPOON BEFORE I HAVE TO GO OVER THERE AND MAKE YOU" Delaware practically screamed that sentence. Delaware was the oldest of us all, the first one to join the union. She's 16 in human years while the other original 13 are 15. Since she's the oldest, she's always the one to calm someone down or finish an argument. Once Idaho got so mad at Mississippi for stealing his potatoes he had to call Delaware in to beat him up, but Dela is a good big sister and ended up just scolding him harshly and making him return Idaho's potatoes to Idaho.

"Everyone calm down!! Breakfast is served you little sharks!!" Out came Cali, gracefully as can be out of the kitchen with a large cart of plates and food.

Delaware stood up and went next to Cali.

"Now everyone I want you to line up oldest to youngest!" She shouted.

"Your just saying that so you can get food first!!"


So one by one we all got up and shuffled into a line, if you could even call it a line, it was as uneven as it could be. Certain states were next to each other talking while some were standing out of the line. The "line" also slightly curved. Even worse I had to be second last because I'm the 49th state. Hawaii is behind me as the 50th, poor Hawaii, having to be at the end of everything just because she's the youngest. The same the happens to Rhode Island but instead it's because he's the smallest state. He's shorter than Hawaii and she's the youngest. It's sad really, getting judged on size. People think I'm scary for being tall. Texas keeps getting mad at me about it because I "stole" his spot as biggest state.

I remember when I first joined the union, when I came to Mr. America's house after being abused and called worthless by Mr. Russia. I hope I never see Mr. Russia again, he's mean and a psycho. But I guess he didn't even know me though, I made sure to avoid him at all costs because I knew he wasn't here to do good, but I still felt the pain of my people. I felt the tiredness and pain of the people who were forced to work as slaves in my territory. I felt sick all the time because of the abuse of my people. I also fell into a major depression I felt as if I wasn't good enough for anything I was useless and once I over heard Mr. Russia talking about how there was nothing of value on my land. I cried myself to sleep that night, I cut myself with anything sharp I could find and tried to shoot myself several times but I always ended up back at home in my bed. I hated it, I wanted to die, until Mr America came and saved me. I heard rumors of Mr. America before, but I never saw him. I heard things like he had golden roads and everyone was brave and courageous and you had the freedom to do what you wanted. Freedom. I love that word. Freedom was what I had been craving, freedom from Mr. Russia, freedom for my people, freedom for my land, freedom for me. I was so happy when Mr. America came to buy me from Mr. Russia, it was the first time I smiled in years.

Mr. America found something good in me

Mr. America saved me.

I focused back to reality and saw my plate infront of me on the silver cart of food. I smiled a little a the small portions of Salmon at the side of my plate. Caitlyn remembered! By the time I got to my seat again, Texas, Alabama, and Florida, it the Trouble Trio as we like to call it, were already done with their plates. What's weird though is they kept whispering to each other, None of them EVER whisper, and whenever they do, it's guaranteed trouble. Mr. America isn't home right now so I can't tell him they're up to no good. Well, crap, I can't just let them get into trouble I gotta see what they're planning!

So, I decided to follow them, after I ate my breakfast of course.they went upstairs when I last saw them so they must still be up there. I stepped up the stairs and over the last stair which was crooked. That was caused by another one of the Trouble Trio's shenanigans. They had wanted to surprise Delaware with a good bucket of what they called "Cowboy Juice" (It was really just a mixture of any type of drink you could think of with added peanut butter), but it went VERY wrong and Florida, who was holding the buckets of the liquid, tripped and fell on the way up the stairs too Delaware's room. The weight of Florida and the buckets at once made the stair slant on one side. It actually slanted so much that we're all pretty sure if we stepped on the stair it would break. So we've all avoided that one step ever since.

After I recalled the memory, I had made it to Alabama's room, that always had their meetings in Alabama's room.

"Ok, so, I'll go get someone tall and we'll convince them to help us!"



"But who will we get?" Asked Florida. Florida was the smartest of their little groups. They're all stupid, but out of the three stupid's, Florida was the smartest. But to make up for her smarts, she was very, very, very, clumsy.

Right then, Alabama caught sight of me. Oh no...are they going to drag me into this? Ugh...

"Hey there 'Laska!" Alabama grabbed my thick winter coat and dragged me into his room with the others.

"Yes! Alaska! We need ya bro!" Texas yelled.

"Alaska can you please, pretty, pretty PLEASE!! help us!?" Florida begged, she put on her puppy dog eyes.

"No." I simply said. They should leave me alone if I'm serious about this right? I was wrong.

"PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP ALASKAAAA~!" They all said in unison. They all put their hands together as if they were praying to me. I sighed. I could at least find out what they're doing.

"Fine, maybe. Depends on what you need help with" I said. I made sure to keep a straight, strong, and confident face when I talked to them. That way I could assert my dominance above them.

"It's a surprise?" Texas said with an awkward smile on his face. He was trying to get out of the question. That means it's something bad.

"Let's just tell him Tex" Florida suggests.

"Fiiiine" Texas whines.

"So, it's about dad...." said Alabama, with a sort of sad undertone to his words.

"What about Mr. America?" I asked. What did they need me for something involving Mr. America?

"Well, basically, we're worried about him. He's been coming home from those Allie meeting things all sloppy and always has a depressed look in his eyes" explained Florida with a small frown and worry in her eyes. Now I was certain she was the smartest in the group.

"Alright, I'll help you....but only for Mr. America." I surrendered. I didn't like working with the Trouble Trio, but I would do anything and everything for Mr. America.

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