Volume 1-Chapter 1: Arrival at Beacon

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He was walking through Vale. He was tired of running and just wanted get some rest. He bumped into a few people but they ignored him until he bumped into someone and he fell onto the ground butt first.

"Oh sorry there kid didn't see you there" The man said and quickly saw that the kid was crying and saw a few bruises on him. The man has white hair and thin brown eyes. He wears shaded glass spectacels amd a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck with a unzipped black suit over a dark green, button vest, green shirt, black trouser shoes and long, dark green pants.

He crouched down to the kids height and looked at him. He was still crying and looking down. He saw the kid was around 9 or 10 years old.

"Were's your parents?" He asked him and the kid looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"There gone" Is all the he said and he cried again. The man held him closely to his chest and let him cried. Ozpin knew that this kid has been through enough. He looked around and saw people staring at him and the kid. He looked down and saw his has white hair and skin is darken. 'Interesting' He thought and pulled him away from his chest.

"How would you like to live with me?" He asked the kid who looked up at him and saw his crimson red eyes staring at him. The kid just nodded and Ozpin smiled.

"What's your name kid?" He asked him. The kid wiped his tears and looked at the man sadden. He took a moment and finally spoke.


"Hello Tengu, my name is Professor Ozpin and from today onwards you'll live with me" He saod smiling with made Tengu smiled a little.

(Timeskip brought to you by Tengu putting Ozpin on fire)

Tengu now walking through the street of Vale listening to music on his mp3 with his headphones on. It's been 6 years since Ozpin took him in and he told him everything what happened to him and his real name "Randy Nomicon". But he liked the name Tengu and Ozpin agreed with him. He wears a red top with a white stripe that angels up from the same "Greek key". He also had a grey greenish hoodie that has wavy sleeves and pockets, long dark pants and combat shoes. He used his hoodie to cover his white hair for some reason. The teen was heading home till he heard glass shattering and saw a girl with a red hood and a gaint scythe. There were guys on the ground.

"Okayyy..." A voice said and Tengu looked in front of the store and saw a man with a cane."Get her."

He has dark green eyes and bright, long orange hair, with long bangs covering his right eye. He wears a red lined white suit with long black pants and black shoes. Tengu knew who he was.

"Roman Torchwick" He muttered to himself and walked slowly forward to them.

The henchmen head out of the shop and runs at the girl, who spins around on top of her scythe and kicks the first approaching guy.  She gets her scythe out of the gorund and fires it off to hit another one sending him flying. She fires again and brings the side down on one attacker and dodged the next's gunfire with her rifle's speed, getting close enough to knock him into the air and follow upwards so she can beat him away to Roman's feet.

"You were woth every cent. Truley, you were" He said dropping his cigar and crushing it with his cane. "Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around" He pointed his cane towards her.

"I'm afraid this is where part ways" He said unleashing a red blast at Red, who fires at the ground and leaps over it. When she lands he was gone. Tengu saw him and went after him. Red saw Roman climbing up a ladder on a nearby building with Tengu behind him

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