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Name: Tengu

Real Name: Randy Nomicon

Age: 15

Appearance: White spiky hair, red eyes, darken skin. He wears a red top with a white stripe that angles up to form a "Greek key". He also has a grey hoodie that has wavy sleeves and pockets, he has combat shoes and carries a sword at the back. The sword he carries in a sheath has a blade several feet long, a handle that is red-and-black checkered and curved slightly, and a red-on-black tsuba (guard).

 The sword he carries in a sheath has a blade several feet long, a handle that is red-and-black checkered and curved slightly, and a red-on-black tsuba (guard)

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(Here's what is looks like)

Semblance: Tengu. He can shoot fire out of his hands, palm and mouth. Can surround himself with fire. He can sprout out two black wings that have is red near the end and also a tail. He can turn into a giant bird demon.

Likes: Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Friends, Fighting, Music, Ozpin, Glynda, Teasing Glynda and Ruby, Calling Ruby 'Red'.

Dislikes: Gardin, Bullies, Seeing his friends hurt, Being Weak, The man that took everything away from him, being called 'Bird Demon', being teased.

Personality: Calm, Get's angry easily when people talk about him, Friendly when he's with Friends, A little dense when it comes to romance.

The Ninja Huntsman(RWBY x RC9GN)[Discontinued] (Will Be Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now