Volume 1-Chapter 6: The Badge and The Huge Burden

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Morning comes at Beacon Academy as this was the start of their new lives here and working towards becoming a Huntsman/Huntress. Tengu was seen sleeping in Team RWBY's dorm on the bed. His hood was down and he hasn't slept like this in years. He knew it was gonna be a rough start, but he didn't know that the Sorcerer would come and attack him. He woke up and realized that he was sleeping away from the girls. They didn't fear him it was his own decision to do this. He stretched, got up, changed into his normal attire hood on, brushed his teeth and waited for the rest to wake up. He saw Ruby getting up dressed her strangely-colored school uniform, creep up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off the bed and Tengu cover-ing his ears.

"Good morning, team RWBY! And Tengu," She said as Tengu gives her a wave good morning. "What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss asked from the floor as Blake and Yang also got up from their beds. Ruby ignores her and says, "Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business." Weiss gets up and brushes herself off looking at her leader. "Excuse me?" She asked her as Yang was holding a collection of pillows, pamphlets, a candle-holder in her arms also dressed alongside Blake.

"Decorating!" She yelled and Tengu stiffed up hearing the word. 

'Anything but that please,' He begged as he was looking at what Yang had on in hand. 'Dear Gods of Remanent, please help me. you of all people should know girls and decorating aren't good with me.' While begging those unnamed gods he heard Weiss yell out "What?!" as Blake was seen with a suitcase.

"We still have to unpack," She said as it opens and spilling the contents. "Aaaand clean." Tengu looks at then and sighs. 'Why did Oz put me here again?' He asked himself as Ruby looked over to him. "Tengu are you gonna help? Please say yes?" She asked the white-haired teen who looked at the rest of them and nodded his head in a no. "Why not?" She asked again this time saddened. 

"It's your room guys I'm just crashing here till I get my own..." He said as he got up started walking to the door. "Wait! What about your school uniform?" She asked as he turns to her smiling. "Don't worry about Red, the teacher won't mind it," And with that, he left and this left RWBY wondering while why he could wear normal clothes. Ruby snapped out of it and turned to them.

"Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission!" She said then raising her fist into the air yelling "Banzai!" Blake and Yang do the same and they turned to an angle as Weiss lays on the floor.

So they began decorating the room to their liking as Yang places a poster of six guys in various poses named "THE ACHIEVE MEN" on her part of the room. Weiss positions the painting of the Forever Fall forest to perfection and walks away. Blake is busy putting away her books on the shelves, picking up a copy of Ninjas of Love and widening her eyes as she warily looks around before putting it back. Ruby positions Crescent Rose at an exact angle against the curtains so she can perfectly slash diagonal portion off. With that, they were done and Ruby was about to say something before getting a glimpse of Tengu Ninja Sword. She picked it up and sat it down on his bed for later. After that was done the whole room was a mess with the girls' beds all cramped together in the center of the floor.

"This isn't going to work," Weiss said looking at the mess they made. "It is a bit cramped," Blake confessed. "Maby we should ditch some of our stuff..." Yang trailed off and Ruby got an idea. "Or we could ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!" She exclaimed getting Yang to agree, but not Weiss.

"Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous," The heiress said concerned. "And super-awesome!" Yang said with Blake nodding her head at this. "It does seem efficient," She said and Weiss wanted a vote, but already lost before starting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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The Ninja Huntsman(RWBY x RC9GN)[Discontinued] (Will Be Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now