Volume 1-Chapter 2: Initiation

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As the Bullhead comes down for docking at the entrance of the school. As soon as it lands the blonde from earlier emerges and goes over the nearest trash can, huching over it as he loses his lunch. Tengu walks by him and pats his back.

"You good there pal?" He asked the blonde who stopped vomiting.

"Thanks man" He said as he got straight up and held out his hand. "Names Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the ladies tongue they love it" He said and Tengu sweat drop as he heard that.

"Do they really?" He asked him and Jaune turn sadded and face down.

"No, not really" He said as Tengu patted his back witch made him look up. "Don't worry man" Tengu said as the two started their way towards the school.

As they keep walking they heard an explosion and Tengu quickly ran with Jaunce behind him. He saw a huge dusy cloud and saw Ruby with a white haired girl. He walked towards them unbeknownst as he heard the white haired girl yelling at Ruby. As he listened in he told Jaunce to stay behind put as he kept walking.

"Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!"

"It's heiress, actually" The two turned and saw Tengu with a file of Dust in his hands. "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." Ruby looked happy to see him and Weiss smiled slightly.

"Finally! Some recognition!" She said, but a blacked haired girl came next to him.

"The same company infamous for it's controversial labor forces and questionable business partners" The girl said and he chuckled a bit.

"Wha- Ho dare- The nerve of... Ugh!" She gets in Tengu's face and takes the bottle from her, walking away off in a hiff as her helpers gather the luggage.

"I promise I'll make this up to you!" Ruby shouted to her. She sighed as she left. "I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day... So what's..." She saw the girl walk away, then collapses to the gorund on her back.

"Welcome to Beacon..."

"Hey... I'm Jaune" The blonde said and Tengu turns around he saw that he moved after telling him to stay put. He extend his hand for her as she took it.

"Ruby" She said standing up. She looks at Jaune closely then said. "Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?" She asked him as he nodded and started walking with Ruby behind him. She quickly turned around and saw that Tengu vanished.

'Damn were did he go?' She asked herself as she kept walking with Jaune. As they were walking, Ruby told Jaune about her weapon Cresent Rose and stabs it into the ground, while Jaune has a hand-me-down family heirloom. He got it from his great-great-grandfather. After a few moments of walking Jaune asked her a question.

"Hey did you where, Tengu went. You know that guy that helped you?" Ruby shook her head. "No, clue I wanted to say thanks, but I don't know where we are going."

"Wait?! You don't know. I was following you" He said as the two looked around and started walking faster till they made it to the auditorium, filled with people. Ruby looks over when she hears Yang's voice.

"Ruby! Over here! I saved you a post!" She turned to Jaune with a smile. "Oh! Hey, I-I gotto go! I'll see you later after the ceremony" She said then leaves.

"Hey, wait!" He treid to stop her but it was too late. He sighs. "Ah, great. Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?" He said as he walks to the boy's side. He stood next to someone, but didn't pay attention to who the figure was.

"Don't worry Jaune, there's plenty of fish in the sea" The figure said and Jaune looked at him and saw it was Tengu smiling widely.

"Tengu! Dude where did you go?" He asked his white haired friend who simply shush him has Ozpin walked on the stage.

The Ninja Huntsman(RWBY x RC9GN)[Discontinued] (Will Be Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now