Volume 1-Chapter 3: The Sorcerer and The Ninja

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10 Minutes Earlier

Ruby landed in the middle of the forset and darts off with a single thought in mind.

'Gotta find Yang! Gotta find Yang, gotta find Yang, gotta find..' her train if thought stopped as she shouted for here. "Oh this is bad, this is really bad... What if I can't find her?" She began panicking trying to find someone to team up with. "What if someone finds her first?"

"Well, there's always Jaune. He's nice. He's funny... but I don't think he's very good in a fight, though. Ooh! What about Blake?! So mysterious, so calm plus she like books! Then again, I'm not I'd be able to hold a conversation with her... Ugh!" She yells out in anger then stops when a name comes through her head.

'Where are you? Tengu?'She thought about him and saw last night how peaceful he was. 'He did kinda help me fight Torchwick and calls me Red...' She continued to think about him then her face blushes up as she shook it off and began moving again.

She came to a stop when she saw Weiss who turned around to face her. As their eyes met for a few seconds, Weiss turned arounds and walks away.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" She follows her slightly as she stops and kick the ground dejectedly. "We're supposed to be teammates..."

Weiss walked as she is struggling throught the forset as pushes plants out of her way. She brushes herself off and sighs in relief when she hears a voice abover her. She looked up and saw none other than Juane pinned aganist a tree with a spear embedded in his hood and tree behind him. Weiss sinply ignores him and walks back to Ruby and pulls on her hood.

"You came back!" She said happily raising her hands into the air.

With Jaune who found Pyrrha after Weiss left him seemed happy to finally get a partner. Back with Ruby and Weiss, the heiress was walking a little faster than before.

"What's the hurry?" Ruby asked her as she keeps walking faster.

"I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow! I swear, if I get a bad grade because of your-" A smiling Ruby now stood next to her. "What the...?" She said confused and looked back to where she was standing to right next to her.

"I'm not slow, see? You don't have to worry about me!" She said confident to Weiss.

The heiress was speechless at first, but recovered slightly amazed. "When did...?"

"Weiss, just because I don't exactly know hiw to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know hiw to deal with monster" She said getting her arm around Weiss's shoulder. "You're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss, and after it's all over, you're going be like, 'Wow! That Ruby girl is really, really cool... and I wanna be her friend!'"

She let's go if her shoulder and disappears in a shower of rose petals, which Weiss waves away from her face. Not even a second later she comes back and looks at her.

"Say, Weiss do you know a guy named Tengu?" She asked the heiress who simply shook her head.

"No? Why do you ask?" She said as Ruby disappears leaving Weiss again. She hears crackling and rustling in the bushes around her. She quickly calls fir Ruby, but no answer at all. She tries about, but still the same.

Meanwhile Tengu was just staring at the figure. The person is a skinny bony, and hideous olive green skinned creature, with long sharp claws, rankly uneven green teeth, and a long forked tongue for some reason. He wears a tattered brown kimono with a hood, and wears his light green balls of energy around him as a belt slung.

"What's the matter boy? Not gonna fight?" He teased him. Tengu clenched his fist and drew his sword pointing it at him. "Oh my! A new toy to play with" He said sarcastically and summoned his own sword and points it forward. "How long will it last?" He asked as the two dashed forward to each other clashing swords. The sound of metal clanking as they try to slice one another.

The Ninja Huntsman(RWBY x RC9GN)[Discontinued] (Will Be Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now