Volume 1-Chapter 5: The Plan... worked

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Tengu was enraged by what he said but didn't lose sight of what to do. He quickly looked around and saw no opening so that leaves only one option. He released all his flames and his eyes glowed red again. The Sorcerer laughed maniacally at his attempt and choked him further but he didn't stop. He burned the surrounding tree letting it catches fire with this the team knew it was his signal. The began moving forward fast but Ruby was using her semblance to get their faster. 'Don't give up, Tengu,' She thought as she was seen running with Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Ren behind her. 

"Wow! She's fast!" Ren exclaimed as Weiss and Blake nodded. "That's her semblance, speed!" Yang said running alongside them. "Ever since she got it she is always so hyperactive with it never gave dad a chance to breathe, thou." She laughed remembering the good old times. 

'If I can't shoot a fireball in the air then I'll burn the forset down If I have to,' He thought as The Sorcerer focus all his attention on him and dropped his sword and punched him in the gut and repeated the process till the flames stopped. Tengu was all bruised, but still managed to left the flames run wild.

"FOOOOOLLLLLLL!" The Sorcerer shouted angrily cause the flame wouldn't die down. He let go of him and proceeded to eliminate the flames but his movement suddenly stopped. "What!!!!" He said angrily and looked down and saw a Schnee Glyhps holding him in place. 'When did this get here?' He asked himself and forced himself to move but it didn't work again. He heard a chuckle and knew it was Tengu cause he heard him do the same thing two years ago. "YOU DID? HOW DID YOU DO THIS?" He yelled at Tengu but didn't face him as his back was turned to him. The flames died down at last and Tengu was seen resting against the burned tree still holding his sword tightly that blood came dripping out of it slowly.

Tengu looked up and stared at him, well he's back anyway but he didn't care. "It wasn't me Sorcerer..." He said weakly and heard a movement from one of the burned bushes. Out came the people who did it. "Sorry we're late Tengu, but you just started ar forset fire out of nowhere," Ruby said aiming Crescent Rose who was in sniper mode now, at the Sorcerer. "Just be glad my Glyphs reacted in time before he could've done something," Weiss said pointing her Rapier at him, Yang and Ren were behind her. "Just be glad we're here now to help out, Tengu," Ren said aiming StormFlower at him and Yang loading her gauntlets and aiming. All of them were standing in front of the Sorcerer and they had their eyes set on him, but someone was missing and he couldn't put his tongue on it. "You alright?" A voice asked as he looked up and saw Blake extending her hand for him. He simply took it and stood up as Blake helped him.

"Thanks," He said to them as Blake picked up his sword and handed it to him. 'I see...' The Sorcerer though. 'They made me think that they left him her to die but instead, they were waiting for you to signal them and let the Schnee activated her Glyphs to trap my movements so that you could end me, huh. Not bad Tengu.' The Sorcerer chuckled and that chuckled turned into full grow laugher and that laugher turn into maniacal laughter mixed with craziness. Everyone looked at him as his laughter died down and he looked at Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Ren. "Do you think the Glyphs can trap me that easily. All I need to do is-Ugh" Before he could finish pain flared up inside him as he felt everything burn up. The Glyphs broke and everyone was on edge but he kneeled on clenched his heart and breathing heavily and he looked over to Tengu. "This... isn't... over... boy," He said weakly as green mist surrounded him and he vanished just like that. 

"He's gone!" Weiss said shocked putting away her weapon as the others did the same. "What exactly happened?" Yang asked and looked at Ren. "Don't know but whatever it was it helped us a lot now." They were about to continue talking then a Bullhead appeared and inside it was Professor Ozpin and Glynda. They landed and everyone was happy to see them. "Is everyone alright?" Ozpin asked nervously as he looked on to everyone present. When he turned to Tengu he was shocked, but he simply shook his head and the ladder nodded. Ozpin cleared his throat and maintain his usual poster. "Where are the rest of them?" He asked and Ruby walked up putting Crescent Rose away. "They're not far from here, sir. We put them in a safe place near hear," She said as Ozpin nodded and turned to Glynda. "Take some of the staff with you and secure the students, hurry please," He said to her who only nodded before looking over at Tengu who was still conscious after that, but she could see he was about to fall asleep any minute now. She wasted no time and asked one of them to come with her and Ren volunteered cause it's his team after all. As soon as they left Tengu fell out of Blake arms and landed on the ground losing consciousness. 

The Ninja Huntsman(RWBY x RC9GN)[Discontinued] (Will Be Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now