Volume 1-Chapter 4: The Sorcerer vs Huntsmen/Huntress

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The Sorcerer summoned another sword in his free hand and blocked an attack from Jaune and Nora. "Good, that's it," He whispered and pushed them back as Pyrrha transformed her sword into a spear and threw it at him. The former saw this and dodged to the right as Ren was seeing reading his weapon to fire. The bullets went flying straight at him as he blocked every bullet and threw his right-hand sword at Ren who dodged it just in time. 'Interesting,' He thought as he summoned five Ursa at his side.

"Wait! He can summon Grimm!" Jaune said surprisingly as he readies his shield. "Just what is this man," Pyrrha said as she used her semblance to get her weapon back. Nora and Ren looked at each other and nodded readying their weapons. "We'll get distract the Grimm while you get the hit on him, Pyrrha" Jaune said a bit scared and shaking. 'What did this guy mean by eight friends' He thought as he looked over to Nora and Ren. An idea popped in his head, "Nora, ren can you get us through?" He asked as Ren looked at him now.

"Honestly, we can but If that guy can summon Grimm than it's a big problem," He said as he looked on. "Don't worry?" A voice said as they looked behind them and saw Ruby and the rest. "He hurt one of my friends and he's gonna pay," She said as she readies Crescent Rose. With that, it seems that they have a little hope after all. "Besides it eight-to-six, we'll win in no time," Yang said confidently as she activated her semblance and her hair lights up. As they were about to charge they heard the Sorcerer chuckle as he is seen laughing his head off. 

"What's so funny," Weiss asked focusing on her enemy in front of her. he ignored her and summoned five Beowolf making it an eight on eleven fight. "All of you are you amusing. The only person who can give me a proper fight and the one behind u," He said as they all looked back and saw Tengu still struggling to break free. Flames escaping his body as he tries and tries. "So?!" Yang said pointing her gauntlets forward at him. "Makes no difference if it's him or us." "Oh, but there is," He said as the Grimm glowed green for a second and charged at the eight of them.  

They split up and so did the Grimm. Team RWBY dodged the incoming Grimm as Yang was running in headfirst and fired dust at the first Beowolf and continued this until he was dead. A Uras was behind her and ready to attack, but luckily Ruby came and blocked it. "Thanks, sis," She said as she charged another Beowolf. While holding the Uras attacked she could feel it getting stronger. 'W-What's going on?' She thought as she used her semblance and ran behind it and sliced its head off. "That was weird," She said as he went and help her team. Weiss was doing alright as she blocked a few attacked and used her semblance to kill off a two Beowolfs but it was a bit hard her to finish them off. She shrugged it off and went to the last Uras that Blake was fighting. She was struggling against it. Blake used her semblance to gain an advantage but every time she thinks she got it the Uras blocked it and punched her. She was launched towards the tree by the Uras as Yang and Ruby were behind it ready to kill it but of course, it dodged and punched them to the ground hard. It roared but was quickly frozen in ice by the heiress. Weiss went over to them and helped them up.

"You guys alright?" She asked and they looked down for some reason. "They were stronger than before somehow," Ruby said getting a nod from the rest. "We better go help Jaune and the others." With that said they headed to Jaune and what they found was horrific.

Ren and Nora were on the ground beaten with bruises while Jaune was under a tree laying face down with blood coming out of his mouth and Pyrrha was seen being choked by the Sorcerer with one large Uras behind him.

"See," He began. "This is the difference between him and you lot," He started choking her slowly. "Tengu fought me before and lived whereas you never stood a chance in hell." He raises his right hand and it started to glow with green energy. He was ready to kill her but Yang came in and punched him in the face with a her semblance on. Blake caught Pyrrha and sat her down nicely as Weiss put up an ice wall between them and him. He was sent flying but did a somersault and landed on his feet. He felt his lip and saw a drop of blood but his blood was purple. This got his blood boiling as both his hand glowed green. He blasted the ice wall as it was beginning to melt. 

The Ninja Huntsman(RWBY x RC9GN)[Discontinued] (Will Be Rewritten At Some Point)Where stories live. Discover now