Some Info...

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Okay so this is my first ever crossover fanfic so, as a result, it's also my first-ever Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover as well. So before we get to the good stuff, here are some things I want you to know about this book, if you don't like any of this then please leave, I have no patience for your hate. 

Characters and Setting belongs to Rick Riordan and JK Rowling, I don't own anything except maybe a couple of OC's 

 ~ Since I have LOTS of shit to do (who knew junior year could be so stressful?), I won't be updating on the daily. In fact, updates are gonna be quite slow at first until I get the hang of things in my life. 

~Takes place after the Battle of Hogwarts (during Golden Trio's 'seventh year') and after the Giant War

~Harry is arrogant in here (and for a reason too, it's important to the plot) and tries to compete with Percy (also for a reason) and gets a little crush on Annabeth (also for a reason). 

~ I don't consider ToA (Trials of Apollo) canon (except for CALEO) so nothing...from that mess is in here

~No normal wizardry magic can harm the demigods (well...not fatally), except for some potions and any spell a DEMIGOD or DEMIWIZARD uses on them

~Monsters CAN'T be harmed by wizard magic (unless that certain wizard is SO powerful to mess up the magic of the monster's very lifeforce (*cough* don't even consider Harry, trust me *cough*)

The pairings in this book that I will say (for now bc I don't want to spoil the book) that are non-spoiler are:

-Percabeth (Percy x Annabeth)

-Jasper/Jiper/Jasiper (Jason x Piper)

-Frazel (Frank x Hazel)

-Caleo (Leo x Calypso)

-Solangelo (Will x Nico)

-Hinny (Harry x Ginny)

So basically all the canon ships XD I'm still contemplating Hinny and whether I want the characters to end up with other ppl but this is likely who I want them to be with. 

~Hermione is just as suspicious as Harry in here and wants to expose the Americans bc she thinks they're not really wizards/witches (she just acts like a know-it-all mostly in here, also relevant to the plot)

~~Ron's just confused with his friends and exasperated by their paranoia (VERY important to the story and there is a MAJOR reason why, although it might be a different version of what you think it is;))

~So legit out of the entire trio, Ron is like the only sane one here 

~Wizards can see through the Mist (something that Demigods use to hide their godly stuff)

~Draco is a demigod (a son of Zeus) and Luna is a daughter of Iris

~Snape is alive (and also a demigod, but he's not gonna be suuuper chummy like in other fanfics with the demigods, he'll still show off some of his normal self to them)

~Dumbledore is alive as well

~There ARE gonna be OC's, like probably three or four (actually like three and a half bc one of them is not technically an OC...but you'll see what I'm talking about ;))

~Also there are gonna be deaths sooo...beware of those. 

 ~Oh and btw, there are gonna be gay pairings if Solangelo hadn't given you a clue XD

Anyways, that's just about it! Have fun reading this mess of a crossover and ENJOY!


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