Setting Out After Gray

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"GRAY! I can help you. Just let me!" Natsu called after. "No one can help me now."
Natsu POV

"... No." I fell to my knees. I felt tears fall down my cheek. "No! I can't let him go off like that." A small hand rested on my shoulders. It was Lisanna.

"It's alright I'll send an entourage of my strongest men after him"
"No I'll go."
"Wha- no Natsu it's to dangerous please don't g-"
"I'm his brother let me go. He won't let anyone else near him. Listen to me Lisanna, I will go after Gray, and I will come back I promise!"
"N- Natsu I'll go with you."
"Someone needs to lead the kingdom in my absence."

I turned around to attend the terrified kingdom. " ATTENTION PRINCESS LISANNA WILL BE IN CHARGE FOR NOW, HER WORD IS LAW." Just then a solider ran up his heated breath showing against the cold wind.
"Prince Natsu and princess Lisanna we are not ready for this blistering cold, have you noticed the sudden cha-"
I cut him off "nope. Haven't noticed this weather change at all." I said flailing my arms around.
"B- b- but.." the solider tried to form a sentence.
"I'm working on it" I said. "Princess Lisanna will deal with the kingdom and it's sudden needs, please fetch my coat and horse."
"On it."
Sooner than I thought my horse and coat was brought to me. I looked off to Lisanna who was already passing loads of blankets to families. "Well I'm off." I called out to her. "Be safe Natsu!" Her response was so warm and kind, Lisanna was truly a good person. I began to set off on my journey.

My horse abandoned me, yay now two things ran out of my life, but I was determined to get Gray back. I'm glad I chose my normal outfit with slight changes or I would be in trouble right about now. I pulled my coat tighter around me and I gritted my teeth.

The long part of my shirt was jagged with ice. My boot laces were frozen and I couldn't feel my fingers, I stuck my hands in my pants pockets I felt Gray's glove and clutched it. "D-Damnit so-o-o c-cold." I spotted a log cabin and squinted at the sign.

I couldn't read it so I trudged through the snow to get a closer look.

And that concludes it for my chapter, sorry for the wait that was all my fault I went on vacation to the Columbian gorge and after I got back I got grounded and then I took a break from this app.

But I guess they are just excuses.

Thank you my random readers

Your random author

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