An Escape

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Quick side note, I just started watching Darling in the Franxx so more gifs for my collection yay!

Natsu's POV

"Sorry to interrupt but would you like to dance?" I turn and I almost bump into Lisanna, the girl from earlier. "Hey it's you!" She giggles and I offer her my hand. She takes it and we begin to dance. After the song ends she grabs a champagne off a waiter's tray. "Hey, do you wanna get out of here?" I wring my hands together, a little embarrassed. She giggles again "Sure!" She deposits her still full glass onto another tray with ease, grabs my hand, and drags me out the building.

"Where to first?" I play with a strand of my white and salmon colored hair, my tell apparently for when I'm thinking. "Um well the rooftops are pretty nice, but we'd have to sneak past the guards." I grab her hand "Come on this way." Soon we reach the guards. I pull a button off my jacket and toss it down the opposite hallway. Then we both take off our shoes, and slide past.

"Here let me." I lower my hand and Lisanna grabs it gratefully, hoisting herself onto the balcony I was standing on. "Thank you. And this view is amazing!" I lower my head "It's the first time I've ever seen it." She turns towards me, a look of genuine concern on her face "Tell me about it." We talk for hours, me about being alone all the time without seeing the outside world. And her about being thirteenth in line for her family's throne.

(Quick note: Lisanna is not related to Mira and Elfman in this book. She'll just have her 12 siblings that'll never get names)

After talking and talking for hours, while exploring the rooftops, there was something I felt compelled to ask her. "Hey Lisanna can I say something crazy?" She stops and sits beside me, taking one of my hands "I love crazy." I nod then begin "Well Lisanna, the time I've spent with you has been some of the best time of my life. And I want to always spend time with you like that. So I'm going to say something very very crazy. Will you marry me?"

(Blergh 😷😷. Sorry continue)

"Can I say something even crazier? Yes!" "Oh sorry I understand, wait you said YES!?!" She nods. "OH MY GOSH!! WE GOTTA TELL GRAY COME ON LET'S GO!!" As we ran the stars shone a bit brighter in the sky. To me at least.

Gray's POV

"Ugh where did that hot head idiot run off to?" Soon my question gets answered, by Natsu himself. He came running in with some girl in a ball gown. They were both talking at me too quickly for me to understand, so I held up my hands "Hey, slow down. One at a time." They both take a breath and Natsu begins "Well you see I was out talking to Lisanna and I realized I really like her so I was wondering if it was ok by you if we got-" "Married!" The girl squeals "Can we can we can we pleeeease?" I sigh and turn to face her "Can I talk to my brother? Alone." Natsu reached over and grabs her waist "Anything you need to say to me you can say to the both of us." I sigh, knowing this was an uphill battle and promptly replied "You can't marry a woman you just met."

"You can if it's true love!" He replies indignantly. I bring my fingers to my temples and sigh once more "And what do you know about true love." His grip on Lisanna's waist tightens "More than you ever could. You don't love anyone. If you did you wouldn't have abandoned us all." That hit where it hurt, but I've learned to keep my composure on over the years "My verdict is final. You do not have my blessing."

I turn to walk away but Natsu grabs my hand, ripping off my glove. "Why not. Look Gray I love her. Why won't you understand that?" I began panicking "Natsu give me back my glove." He shook his head "NO! I'm sick and tired of you hiding yourself away. It's like you don't care about anyone but yourself. Why can't you understand my fee-" I turn around lashing out "I DON'T KNOW!!" Ice comes from my exposed hand, spiking out towards Natsu and the rest of my guests. The duchess from earlier steps up "That man is a monster! He tried to kill us all!" I begin backing up and hyperventilating. "No! It's not like that! It's just-" Knowing it was no use I turned and ran out the building.

"Your majesty! Your majesty!" Crowds of people. Everywhere. Closing in. Nowhere to run. I got backed into a fountain which froze as I touched it. A woman even pulled her baby away from me. I ran further than heard Natsu calling out my name "GRAY!! I can help you!! Just let me!" He stops offering out my old glove "No one can help me now." I step onto the lake and luckily where I step freezes. I start running. Running away. Where I can't hurt anyone ever again.

Heyo sorry this took so long. I've been really really busy. Well now it's out and I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself.

Your humble gif Meister, out!

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