53. The dealership.

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Pep eyed Tash casually walking around the empty lot, she loved how she looked in the brown, silk button down which was half tucked in to her khakis that were folded at her ankles. Pep was supposed to be listening to the construction manager but she was more focused on how concentrated Tash was with testing out the grounds.

"So we can begin on Monday, hopefully all the supplies will be here by then." Pep snapped back to stare at the man trying to seem as if she was listening all this time.

"Yes, thank you. I need one last confirmation on the plans before I give you the go ahead." Pep rested her hand on the man's shoulder before walking off.

"Tash!" Tash looked up from her self assigned task once she heard her name.

"Yes?" Focusing more on Pep, her mouth began to water at the beautiful woman walking towards her.

"Yes, what?" Pep narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, daddy?" Tash said with a smug look on her face.

"I need you to look at the plans they drew up, if you don't like it then say so or if you think anything can change, say so." They stared at each other for awhile before Pep licked her lips and winked, "I got you again when we get back home."

Tash chuckled before walking off to the tent they had  set up for the construction workers. The blueprint for the building was already laid out with stones at the four corners preventing the wind from blowing it from the table. Examining the simple structure, Tash was not impressed, she thought it looked like every other car dealership office within 20 miles from their current location.

"I don't like it." Tash openly expressed, "I think we should have a big enough space where we can at least fit three to four cars on the inside and have space for the receptionist, sales clerk, office manager, bathroom and break room." Tash paused once more and said, "and of course an office for Miss Beauvoir."

"Who are you?" The construction manager who drew up the plans scrunched his face up at Tash.

"Who am I? Funny you should ask that, I'm the person that determines if you keep this job or not. I'm the "final decision before you get a go ahead" and I'm displeased with this so take the recommendations I gave and have another set of plans drawn up or lose the contract." Tash's face was stern and professional as she stated who she was and the power she held.

Pep stood at the edge of the tent watching the ordeal and to say she was impressed was an understatement of the year, stepping forward with a look of admiration on her face she stood next to Tash and said, "well, my final decision maker has spoken. Get it done to start construction on Monday."

Everyone scattered leaving them standing under the tent watching the setting sun. "So, who are you gonna have as the receptionist?" Tash asked as she rested her head on Pep's shoulder.

"Funny you should ask that." Pep said sarcastically.

"I'm not working." Tash quickly rebutted.

"It wasn't going to be you anyways." Pep chuckled. "Start up the car, I'm going to talk to the construction manager." Pep swatted at the mosquitos that were swarming around her.

Tash jogged to the car trying to avoid getting bitten by the mosquitos, she hated how swollen her skinned looked whenever she got bitten and she could never resist the temptation to scratch which would only result in spots on her skin. Taking out her phone, she decided to call and check in on Ray. The call rang straight to voicemail, so Tash decided to call again and again until she felt like five times was enough, so she decided to call Squash.

"Lil boss, how does it go?" Squash answered the phone on the first ring.

"Do you have any updates on Rayuga?" Tash cut straight to the point.

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