41. City Tash pt 2.

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Tash had her duffle bag at her feet as she sat in the couch with Rayuga beside her waiting on Brooks to reach. Tash wanted to ask why her regular body guards weren't the ones taking her but she didn't want to push it, Pep extended enough explanation for today. They heard a car honk and Tash quickly got up and helped Rayuga with the crutches that she lent her, her feet didn't seem to be getting any better but she hoped it was nothing serious.

In no time, they were already on their way to the medical plaza leaving Rayuga's Honda Civic behind. Pep had already left before without even saying goodbye or I'll see you later. Tash wasn't used to the distance anymore, she was used to the affectionate and passionate Pep that kissed her forehead and reassured her that she'd be back before she knew it or sighed and tell her to get dressed so she could join her on the road.

Tash grew sad and weary, if taking over Rayuga's shift was going to put distance between her and her lover she wouldn't do it but she also couldn't allow Rayuga to work not knowing what was wrong with her. Rayuga saw that Tash was pensive and thought it was best to not say anything to her that would trigger her emotions so the car ride to the medical plaza was quiet except for the dancehall music that was being played.

"What time should I come back for you guys?" Brooks asked as he pulled up in front of the plaza.

"I'll call you to let you know." Tash assisted Rayuga in exiting the car.

Tash took her time walking beside Rayuga matching her pace, they decided to sign her up at the doctor's office before going to the dentist. Tash sat beside Rayuga also afraid for her, nothing good came out of swollen feet and ankles but she was trying her best to be optimistic about the situation. She found herself extremely fond of Rayuga ever since she used her to release some frustration, she didn't mind her attraction to Pep because she knew that the attraction extended to her as well.

"They're calling me for the dental appointment, not sure when you'll get through but I'll be back as soon as I can." Tash reassured Ray, "it's only a checkup." She squeezed her hand and left her on her own in the cold waiting room.

All Rayuga had to do was to stare at the desolate white and blue walls, she could always use her phone but her mind was blocking any form of digital entertainment. She really needed Tash by her side but she's an adult so she should be able to see this through on her own. Even though she knew that it didn't stop her from feeling as if she needed the support.

Tash laid back in the doctor's chair staring into the soft yellow lamp that was right above her forehead. She was worried about Rayuga, she didn't want to leave her alone because she wouldn't want to be left alone in that position. "Can you hurry this up?" Tash hissed at the dentist that she always had a good relationship with.

"Sure thing. Someone's a bit cranky today." Dr. Jules joked.

"I just really need to get back to someone." Tash sighed.

"I understand." Dr. Jules got started on the usual hygiene questions and general health of Tash's teeth under the braces, she was taking good care of them; Pep made sure of it.

45 minutes later, Tash was out of the dental office with freshly cleaned teeth and fixed brackets that she didn't even know were broken. She rushed back over to the waiting room to see that Rayuga was no longer where she left her, she asked the nurses and was advised that she went in to see the doctor.

Rayuga was blacked out, she heard everything leading up to the diagnosis. She simply stared at the GP's moving lips, all though she heard no sounds she felt as if she had heard enough. "So, what do I have to do?" Rayuga's lips trembled.

"You need to see a specialist, I'll recommend you to one." The GP saw the fear on Rayuga's face, she didn't know how to console her especially since she was obviously gay and her religion was terribly against that.

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