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That was all Namjoon could see.

Pure darkness that clouded his vision completely.

His eyes were surely open. But everything was still so dark.

Maybe Namjoon was dead, killed at such a young age, with kids to look after and a wife to love and cherish-

Suddenly, someone flicked on the light.

Namjoon shot up from his position, letting out a gasp as he processed he wasn't, in fact, dead.

He glanced down at the soft surface he lay upon, furrowing his brows as he recognised it as a bed.

The he raised his head.


•••• ••••• ••• ••

"Where are we, Joon?" Taehyung asked nervously as he trailed behind the taller male shyly. Despite their similar heights.

Namjoon glanced around the familiar large dining room as he came to a halt. He sighed unsurely.

"I'm not sure, Tae. But I am sure that we've been going in circles." He frowned, scratching the back of his head in thought.

Until distant voices were heard from above them.

"What do you mean there's a snake in your hair?! I don't see shit!"

Taehyung and Namjoon made eye contact for a moment, before one name slipped from each other's lips in disbelief.


Jin jumped around Hoseok in fright and mocked bravery, as he tried to find the supposed snake in his hair.

Making exaggerated noises as he did so.

Hoseok panicked as he tried to stand still.

"Did you find it?! Is it there?!!" He jolted as he felt something touch his arm, and his eyes widened when he saw the two confused males.

"Tae! Joonie!" Jin bellowed in relief as he tackled them both in a warm hug, and Hoseok scoffed.

"Hey! A little help-"

"I've got it, Hobie." A softer and more light voice said as delicate fingers started running through the male's hair.

"Jimin? You're here too?" Taehyung asked in surprise, and the boy nodded emotionlessly as he concluded there was nothing in Hoseok's hair.

Hoseok still seemed skeptic. But decided to let it pass.

"I think all of BTS is going to be here, Tae."

A deeper, more tired voice spoke out with a yawn. And Jimin's body instantly flew towards Yoongi as he appeared behind Namjoon and Taehyung.

Jin's eyes widened.

"By we you mean-"


A fresh voice screamed from the other side of the hall, and they all snapped their bodies around to see Jungkook sprinting towards them at full speed.

Dry blood stained his hair.

"Kook? What happened?" Namjoon questioned, before he himself was pulled into a hug by the youngest, who forced everyone else into the sudden group hug.

They stayed like that for a moment, memories flooding each one of their minds.

"Where are we?" Jimin asked in confusion, breaking the comfortable silence. However he seemed weirdly calm.

"That's what we're going to find out." Namjoon said quietly, pulling away from the hug as he inspected the mansion hallways.

"You guys got the invitation to the house party as well, right?" Hoseok questioned with a raised brow, as the members nodded with curious stares.

But pure fear was hidden beneath their expressions.

"But now we're all here, alone with no phone or anything?"

They nodded again after a moment.

Hoseok cursed under his breath as he rubbed his face in disbelief.

"We've been set up."

It was silent for a bit after his sentence.

"It's just us, right?" Yoongi questioned, stepping away from them as he tilted his head towards a peculiar sound. The members nodded with furrowed brows.

"Then why do I hear other footsteps?" He asked, and everybody's eyes widened.

"Someone else is here-?"


Said boy had just turned the corner, and immediately spotted his boyfriend in front of the other members. He ran towards him.

Taehyung's eyes were glued onto his ex-makeup stylist, as he licked his lip slyly and eyed him up and down.

A familiar feeling fluttered in his chest.

He watched the couple share a meaningful kiss as Felix worriedly stroked Jungkook's hair away from his teary eyes.

The feeling sank.

Suddenly, crackling noises resonated from around the house.

"What's that noise?" Jin asked, glancing around as he tried to locate the sound.

Namjoon pointed towards some speakers in the walls.

"Someone's going to make an announcement." He mumbled.

A deep, unrecognisable voice spoke out from within the speakers.

"Welcome, to my Home, BTS! Shall we play a game?"

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