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Jimin hummed as he inspected the door lock carefully, the sound of Yoongi's tired groans that emitted behind him filled the silence of the mansion.

He smiled slightly and reached out behind him with is hand.

He felt the other male immediately take it, and his frustrated groans silenced into quiet murmurs.

"We definitely need a key to unlock it, so that means there's probably one in this house." Jimin hummed, standing up straight as he stood next to Yoongi.

He furrowed his brows.

"Why would the Nutjob even want us to escape? Why bring us here in the first place?" Yoongi sighed, flinging his free arm around lazily. Jimin shrugged.

"Where would we even find a key in this place?"

"Let's have a look on the key rack." Jimin suddenly muttered, his eyes wide in disbelief as he saw something glisten in the corner of his eye.

He began to shuffle toward it.

Yoongi followed him without another word of complaint. However, he couldn't help but hold his hand tighter.

Then he halted.

"I'm going to be a father."

Yoongi suddenly spoke, lowering his head as he could tell Jimin had already twisted his body around in a haste of shock and surprise.


His look of shock turned into glee.

"Really?!" He gasped, bouncing up and down happily. "We have to get you home, oh my god- WE HAVE TO GET YOU HOME-!"

Yoongi shushed him as he began to panic, and held his shoulder gently as he stared into Jimin's eyes curiously. Then it hit him.


"This isn't right! You should be with your wife, making sure she's healthy, happy, being treated as the most beautiful person in the world-"

"Jimin, you're not talking about my wife anymore, are you?

Jimin fell silent. And his expression immediately fell.

"Jimin?" Yoongi urged softly, his brows risen slightly in question.

Jimin let out a shaky sigh, before spilling it all out.

"We had an argument." He mumbled, staring at Yoongi in despair. "The last I saw of her, the love of my life, was when we had an argument."

Yoongi's eyes softened.

"Again?" He whispered, Jimin merely nodded.

"She can't have children, and she wants to adopt."

Yoongi saw his shoulders tense, and he visibly winced at his own words.

"What's so wrong with that?" Yoongi asked quietly, Jimin ran a hand through his messy hair.

"It won't be the same-" Yoongi cut him off as he made Jimin look at him, his eyes showing nothing but comfort and support.

"You're right, it won't be the same. But you'll be giving a child a home, with the best parents they could ever want." Jimin's eyes starting to tear up.

"I know you're scared, Jimin- So am I. But it'll all work out in the end. Okay?" Yoongi gave him a warm smile, and Jimin nodded with a grateful grin.

"Thanks, Yoongi."

He breathed out in relief, glad to have gotten that off of his shoulders, before guiding Yoongi back towards the key hanging from the wall.

He grabbed it and turned back to the older male.

"Let's see if it works-" Jimin couldn't finish his sentence, as the floor gave out beneath him.

Yoongi immediately grabbed his hands, as his feet dangled off the edge, to the darkness below him. The key had been thrown somewhere in the room.

Yoongi's eyes suddenly started to well up with tears as he clung onto Jimin for his dear life, who was bellowing out surprised curses.

He glanced down at his watch with blurry and narrowed eyes, before a mix of desperation and fury enveloped him as he adjusted his grip on Jimin's dangling body.

Only 40 minutes had passed.

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