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The sounds of Yoongi's bellows and curses had subsided a while ago, as the concerning noises of beaten-up furniture being thrown across the room had finally ceased.

The remaining four boys sat around the dining table once again, hiding their faces from the reality of the situation.

And when they made sure the house was deadly silent, they relaxed the tiniest amount.

"I'll go talk to him." Hoseok mumbled solemnly, even if no one was listening to him, he stood up from his seat and trudged into the house to search for his friend.

Everyone knew the clock was ticking, it will only be a matter of time before the floor opens beneath them as well. And when it's the last one of them standing, they'll go crazy.

Jungkook suddenly shot up from his seat, his breathing heavy as his hand was still connected with Felix's. Who stared up at him in concern.

"I'm fine, babe. I just need some time to myself. I won't be long." He muttered softly, pecking Felix's head lovingly before leaving the room hastily.

Taehyung couldn't help but admire Felix, whom was next to him, in that moment, he entwined his fingers and sighed. Felix tried to smile comfortingly at him, but it only made his heart race even more.

"Taehyung?" his name that passed through Felix's lips made him almost shiver in excitement, as he tried to cover his burning cheeks.

He merely hummed in response.

"We will get out of this place, right?" Felix asked with a shaky tone, terror clear on his expression. Taehyung immediately took his hand into his and faced him.

"We will, I promise. I won't let you die, Felix."

Felix relaxed a bit at his deep and soothing voice, his words seeming to have calmed him even more. Taehyung felt his body lean closer until his lips were barely brushing the top of his head.

Felix was suddenly yanked away from his seat, and Taehyung glared up into the eyes of an irritated Jungkook, who stared down at him in disappointment.

"Hoseok's in trouble."

•••••••    ••   •••

Yoongi was on edge, everything around him was annoying him, he stared at the torn-up speaker that use to announce the death of his friends. His brothers.

He ripped it from the wall with no mercy, after climbing the furniture he tossed across the room into one corner of the room. Directly under the once active speaker.

It was as if he thought tearing apart the speaker would make it all better.

Suddenly, the sound of Hoseok's screams filled his ears, and in an instant, Yoongi was barrelling into the hall. His shoulder slamming into the door in his haste to leave the trashed room.

"Hoseok?!" Yoongi screamed desperately, running around the halls frantically as he heard his friend's cries become louder.

And as soon as he turned the corner, his eyes went wide in shock.

There, on the floor, being dragged away by a hooded figure, was Hoseok. Blood was pooling from his wrists that were tied together with thick rope. All Yoongi saw was red.

He charged towards the captor, swinging his fist and punching it straight in the jaw, making it stumble back and release Hoseok.

Yoongi spat at it by it's feet, his bloody fists clenched so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Fuck off." He hissed, standing protectively in front of Hosoek. Who was desperately trying to rip the rope off of his wrists.

The hooded figure glanced at the speakers silently, and Yoongi followed its gaze slowly as realisation dawned on him.

"Not him," his voice softened as he stared back at it, "please, not him." He begged.

The hooded figure tilted it's head in question, and Yoongi merely nodded. As if confirming something telepathically. His heavy breaths filled the uncomfortable silence.

The hooded figure suddenly fell through the floor, and Yoongi fell with it. Not even letting out a sound of restraint or shock.

Once again, the trap door slammed shut behind them.

Hoseok sat there in shock, his jaw hanging open as tears were already flowing down his cheeks.

He didn't notice the bodies sprinting towards him, or being engulfed in warm arms by Taehyung.

All he thought of was Yoongi.



How could he just let Yoongi go?

What kind of a friend was he?

What kind of a brother would be such a coward in that moment?

Is he the reason Yoongi's dead?

What's wrong with him?

Would Yoongi forgive him if he were still alive?

"Four hours have passed, four to go."

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