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Yoongi had been holding onto Jimin for fifteen minutes now, his urge and determination to keep the younger alive increasing the longer he screamed for help.

But no one could hear them.

And yet Yoongi kept on repeating the same hopeful sentence, trying to comfort both himself and Jimin.

"Just hold on, Jimin. Just a few more seconds and someone will be here to help-" Yoongi grunted, cutting off his own sentence as he adjusted his grip on Jimin's sweaty and weakening hands.

Waves of tears were being shed from both of the males.

Jimin couldn't help but let out a pained chuckle, shaking his head as Yoongi stared down at him in desperation. He knew him too well to know what he was going to do next.

"It had to be one of us, Yoongi. I guess it was me this time." He mumbled sadly, his heavy pants echoing down the dark abyss below him.

Yoongi shook his head rapidly, more tears running down his cheeks as he let out a low growl of frustration.

Jimin simply smiled at him, despite the sobs escaping his lips. His grip on his hands loosened.

"Stop it, Jimin. You have to live. You have to!" Yoongi bellowed through gritted teeth, letting out a cry of anger and despair.

Then his expression changed.

"Please, Jimin." He begged, his voice sounding softer and more vulnerable to the other male's ears.

Neither of them could hold on for much longer.

"JIMIN!" Yoongi cried out as said male slipped through his fingers, and fell down into the darkness that was waiting to envelop him.

With no struggled scream or even a yelp. He didn't take his eyes off of Yoongi as he fell.

The trap door shut behind him.

Yoongi sat there on his knees, staring at the place Jimin was once in. His tears slowly became dry.

"3 hours have passed, 5 to go."

The dreadfully familiar voice snapped Yoongi out of his daze, and he stumbled to his feet silently before snatching the key from the floor and storming towards the doors that led to freedom.

He shoved the key inside the lock, turning it with a blank expression. He heard a clicking sound and banged his shoulder against the wooden surface to push it open.

It didn't budge.

Yoongi tried again, and again, and even turned it the other way, but the door never opened.

The key was a fake.

"Yoongi! What happened? We heard the-" Jungkook's concerned voice halted, and the sounds of hurried footsteps filled the deafening silence of the mansion.

Yoongi didn't face them.

"Where's Jimin?" Taehyung asked quietly, his voice cracking at just mentioning the name.

Yoongi snapped his head around to stare at them, his eyes fixed on a harsh glare that pierced their souls.

He let out a loud scream and threw the key to the other side of the room.

"So now you decide to visit?" Yoongi spat, clenching his fists.

"Didn't hear my pleads for help? Didn't bother to think that maybe you should've checked on everyone else a bit earlier?" He went on, rage and fury evident on his features as he scowled at every person in the room.

No one dared to speak.

"This house," he gestured around him, venom lacing his words. "Is a fucking nightmare."

He then threw up his wrist, presenting his watch clearly.

"Whoever the fuck sent us here planned each one of our deaths to the exact mark, they knew the exact time Jimin would let go."

Everyone's jaw dropped, terror edging on each one of their faces as Yoongi's harsh breaths continued.

"When I find out who is doing this, they won't be going to jail.

I'm going to kill them myself."

The remaining members watched as Yoongi stormed past them and into another room, desperately trying to hide his tears of grief.

They all know how close Yoongi and Jimin were, they used to say that they both 'fitted like a glove'.

Jimin; who loved clinging onto people and could never stand being alone.

Yoongi; who acted as if he hated physical contact when in reality he couldn't live without it. Just a simple hand to hold when he felt like it.

Jimin always knew when he felt like it.

And he never complained or protested against it.

Yoongi had a soft spot for Jimin, that he showed to rarely anyone else.

If Jimin were still alive, he would know that all Yoongi wanted right now was a hand to hold.

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