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Jimin sat at the long table in silence, his limbs trembling as he stared nervously at the members around him. He knew he looked incredibly tense.

It's as if he didn't recognise his own brothers.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, and Yoongi stumbled in lazily. His eyes held pure terror and confusion, visible trails of sweat trickled down his neck.

His phone gripped tightly within his palm, and their eyes met.

"Yoongi." Jimin whimpered, as if finally seeing a familiar face, and stood up from his seat slowly.

Yoongi stared at him blankly, his brows furrowed as blood trailed from his cheek. Then he collapsed in Jimin's arms, crying his eyes out.

•••• ••••••••••••••••• ••

Hoseok ran around the mansion halls in a panic, he didn't know how, but he'd lost the others, after hugging them for what seemed like hours out of shock, it's like they just disappeared.

He had a bad feeling brewing in his stomach.

A very bad feeling.

•••••• ••••••••••••• •• •••••••

Namjoon tapped his chin in thought, as the familiar face was becoming clear in his mind, slowly.

"I still don't have my phone, perhaps it's at the mansion?" Jimin pointed out, his voice hopeful as Yoongi clung onto him like a koala.

The policeman immediately started to track his phone, his fingers typing furiously. The room was silent.

"Got it." He spoke out gruffly, holding out the phone to them as it showed a red dot on the map of South Korea.

"It's in Daegu?" Yoongi piped in a husky voice, his throat sore from shouting previously in the mansion.

•••••••••••• ••••••

Hoseok screamed in surprise as his foot tripped on emptiness, a pain soaring through his ankle.

He glanced behind him as he felt something tickle his legs, and another ear piercing scream left his throat at the sight of two large hands gripping his ankles.

They started to drag him into the darkness within the floor.

He clawed at the carpet, desperate pleads sprouting from his lips as his eyes landed on Felix and Jungkook, who were already sprinting towards him.

"Don't leave me! Don't-" a terrified bellow left his lips as his body was pulled into the unknown.

Jungkook tried to dive into it, but was pulled back by Felix aggressively, their bodies stumbled back at the force and they collided on top of each other.

Sobs echoed around the mansion, and Jungkook slowly stood to his feet, helping Felix up with him. He breathed in heavily, before letting out the loudest yell Felix has ever heard.

"It's hasn't even been an hour! You bastard! You sick, twisted, cock-sucking bastard!"

Felix embraced him warmly, just as an ecstatic Taehyung rounded the corner, his grin immediately faltered seeing their expressions.

"Five hours have passed, three to go."

••••••• ••

"Of course, the invitation, it's the same address on the invitation-" Yoongi began to piece it together, and Namjoon suddenly let out a gasp.

He held his head in pain as pants left his lips.

"I remember." He breathed with wide, teary eyes, panic and despair clear upon his handsome features.

•••• •• •

Taehyung checked his watch with a piercing stare, only 15 minutes had passed.

He felt fury and anger to his core as he stared at the tears pouring down Felix's cheeks, he cursed himself for not being there to comfort him.

"What did you find, Taehyung?" It's as if Felix could read his mind, as he stared incredulously at the silent male.

Taehyung cleared his throat nervously.

"I found the key. The doors can be opened." He said in a small whisper, and before he knew it, they were sprinting towards the large double doors that lead to freedom.

Whilst running down the long hallways, a gloved hand gripped Felix's collar, and yanked him into the dark room. He yelled in shock.

Jungkook immediately snapped his body around and halted his fast steps, his eye wide in panic. He swung open the door and froze.

Felix wasn't there.

"Felix..." he mumbled, stepping into the room and desperately examining every corner of it until realisation dawned on him. He ran a hand through his hair. But he couldn't scream.

Felix hated it when he raised his voice.

He felt a warm hand on his shoulder.

"He won't be hurt, Kookie. But I can't say the same for you."

He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and was wiped out cold.

• •

"We need to get Felix and Jungkook out of that mansion. Now."

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