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Namjoon shot up from his bed in a fit of heavy breaths and sweat trickling down his forehead, his eyes were wide open and his jaw was dropped slightly.

He was in his own room. In his own house.

Did he just have a nightmare?

How come he couldn't remember it?

It was, of course, normal to forget what happens in most of your dreams, especially nightmares.

However, this time it seemed different.

Namjoon knew this one was different. But he couldn't seem to remember a thing.

He flinched in surprise as his bedroom door opened slowly, and his brows furrowed in confusion at his own sudden reaction to his wife entering the room with a soft smile.

She didn't notice his troubled expression and trembling body.

"Morning, Joonie!" She greeted happily, ruffling his morning hair with a giggle before placing a pile of fresh clothes into his lap.

Namjoon stared at it for a while.

"Aren't you going to have a shower? Today is your day off, isn't it?" She hummed, opening the curtains as the sun blinded Namjoon's awakened eyes.

He nodded blankly.

"Right- Yes. So it is."

He muttered in a daze, before scooping up the clothes and slowly shuffling his way to the en-suite.

His wife stared at him oddly before shaking her head and stepping out of the room.

As soon as Namjoon entered his en-suite, his eyes caught onto the mirror on the wall, and then the dirty and worn-out clothes he had on. He gasped.

He remembered leaving his home for a house party.

Maybe he got drunk?

Even so, he must've drunk a lot to be this hungover.

What else was he forgetting?

•••••••   •••    ••

Namjoon was already rinsing out his hair by the time he noticed the excruciating pain in the back of his head. He gently tapped it and winced.

He then also took great concern to the various bruises littering his body.

Namjoon was already aware he was very clumsy, but even he knew he wasn't capable to this extent.

And despite the relaxing and warm shower, Namjoon couldn't get rid of the horrifying felling in the pit of his stomach.

He felt terrified in his own home.

And he had no clue as to why.

"How was your shower, honey?" His wife had asked as soon as Namjoon sat on the dining table. He couldn't help but touch the bruised cut on his head again.

He nodded blankly.

His daughters were already dropped off at their friends house for a sleepover, as his wife had just told him.

He just nodded again.

"Hey- what's going on?" She asked softly as she sat opposite him, clutching his trembling hands and caressing his knuckles.

Namjoon's breath hitched.

"How long was I gone for? When I went to the house party." He questioned hesitantly, glancing up at his wife who furrowed her brows in slight confusion.

"Only a couple of days. Why?"

Namjoon lowered his head to stare at his hands again.

"Joonie, what's troubling you?" She pressed, leaning forward slightly. Namjoon's shoulders tensed.

"I don't know." He answered truthfully, his eyes narrowing at nothing.

His wife reached a hand out to cup his cheek, but his body, as if on instinct, flinched away. His eyes widened at his own action, and his wife looked even more worried.


She got cut off as the sound of her phone ringing invaded her mind, she sighed and let go of Namjoon's hand to pick up her phone before standing up.

Namjoon sighed.

Perhaps he was being dramatic, or something happened at the house party that he didn't know of yet.

Maybe he was just being stupid-

"Hey! I'm good! How about you? Oh that's fantastic? How's Jin? Still hungover as well? The boys must've drunk a lot last night-"

Jin's name triggered something in Namjoon, as memories came hurdling back to him like a truck.

He remembered everything.

Namjoon shot up from his seat, startling his wife who stared at him with wide and cautious eyes. Namjoon smiled slightly at her, finally content that he had remembered it all.

But still utterly terrified.

He raced out of the room and snatched his phone from his bedside table, before pressing on a contact name.

"Jin, we need to talk"

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