Chapter 19

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I was so tired from yesterday and I was sick as a dog...

Ariana grandma screamed!!!


Time to get up your going to miss school.

Grandma I don't feel so good at all can I stay home?

Uh sure honey I'll make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich some chicken noodle soup and some tea ok?

Ok thanks grandma..

No problem sweetie now get some rest...

Hey grandma is ariana ready?

No she's sick she's not going today hey make sure she gets her school work..

Ok grandma hey ariana...


Hey you don't sound good at all..

I'm know I don't feel good...

Look Ariana I hope you feel better ok he kissed my forehead..

Thanks Brandon have fun at school..

(Skip bus ride)
Hey Brandon


Hey wait

What nigga?

Where's ariana?

At home she's sick why?

I don't know I'm just worried about her ok..

I don't know why you hurt her man....

Look I'm sorry man really if there's anything I could....

Ariana:hey chris...

Chris:hey ariana I missed you...

Ariana:I missed you to chris a lot

Chris:I hope you feel better ariana....

Ariana:yea me to its nothing major...

Chris:I hope not I don't want my ba...i just hope you feel better so did you think about it?

Ariana:chris can I need two more days ok then I'll let you know ok?

Chris:ok but I still love you..

Ariana:I read it but never replied I still have feelings for chris but I needed time to think we should get back together I really want to but I don't know if I'm making the right decision..

Hey Brandon iggy said..

Oh hey iggy what's up?

Nun much where's ariana?

She's home sick she ain't coming today...

Oh man ima go see her ok?

Hey she's fine she ain't that sick I really didn't want her over my house but she's her friend hey I'm keeping her safe since her and chris ain't together no more...

Hey Brandon can we talk?

For what chris? there's nothing to talk about you broke my cousins heart that shit done and over wit her and wit me...

No it ain't over for us I prayed everyday that I want to be wit her im not cheating on her im not beating on her so then what is it?

She doesn't want a private relationship..

I get that I can't change my ways I'll get killed and she probably can to due to the fact that they probably do know something between us but I don't give a fuck what you say or anybody say I fucking love her more then anything I would die for her if I have to I want to marry her man...

I just stood there like tf?!! hell nah you ain't going to marry her nigga first you want a kid by her then you want to marry her? You can't even stay in a committed relationship you probably ain't going to be a good father...

I reall wanted to punch this nigga in the face like dam he just mad so i stormed off man fuck him fuck this school and fuck like I said in anger I drove to ariana's house im going to do something big for her...

Knock knock knock...
Grandma who's at the door?


Please tell him to leave...

No yall need to make up ok he does some shit in his pass he can't quit ariana just like you do stuff so give him a chance...


Uh hi mrs.rivera.

Hi chris how you doing?


That's good ariana is upstairs I'll be back I have to go to work would you be a dear and watch her?

Yes ma'm..

Hey Ariana he smiled...

Hey chris...

So you feelin any better?

Yea sort of why are you here chris?

Cuz I came here to get you back wait before you talk I love you more then anything dam when I met you changed me you were different from these hoes I want to be the father of our baby I want to marry you I want to wake up with a beautiful wife to scream at me all the dam time I would do anything for you I would even die for you...

I started crying chris I love you more then anything to I hugged him...

So what does this mean? ariana he wiped his tears.

We're back together we cried together we kiss we make up I could never hate this man he's my ride or die my nigga my bae my hubby everything to me and I'm glad I have him back in my life so I took a shower and we slept together in a nice peaceful sleep..

Sorry it was short I will make it better next time I promise.....

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