Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Katie wants to drop out of school," brought up Jonah. She aimlessly flicked through a book before she set it back on the shelf.

Levi leaned against the bookcase. "Mmm," he murmured. 

Jonah nodded. "Yeah, she told me her uni seems too hard for her. She wants to go into hospitality."


Jonah stormed up to him. "Are you even listening to me?" she accused.

He replied with, "Mmm." 

She slapped him behind the head with a thin book. He snapped out of it.

"What was that for?" Levi demanded. She sighed.

"I don't know what's going on in that noggin of yours there," she knocked his head. "But cut it out. You're freaking me out."

Levi's heart beat nervously against his chest. "Sorry."

They were at the book/coffee shop, and they wandered through the aisles as Jonah tried to find study material. Levi however, had a different agenda.

He swivelled his head around the stacks of books. "Do you know where the supernatural section is?"

Jonah raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you ever get interested in sparkly vampires?"

Levi shook his head. "Not like that. Like, something to do with dead people?"

She put a hand on her hip. "Levi, if this is about the guy at the aquarium, it wasn't your fault. The news said that he died from a brain aneurysm which could have exploded at any time. He was a ticking time bomb, Levi. And that was a month ago."

"I know I know," he replied. "It's just... that I'm curious because Harper has taken a real interest to stuff like that and I wanted to see what it was all about, you know?" he lied.

"Wasn't that kid into fish?" she asked. Levi pulled a sad smile.

"Not since the aquarium incident. He won't even look at a fish anymore."

Jonah nodded and walked with him. "It's a big switch from fish to death," she murmured and he laughed.

"Harper's a weird one," he chuckled good-heartedly. She led him through another aisle and stopped. Jonah yanked him to the previous one. She grabbed two random books and shoved one into his chest.

"What was that..." he said but she motioned him to whisper.

"What was that for?" he whispered.

Jonah parted a few books and pointed through the gap. When he peered in, he saw the same girl with different coloured eyes from the aquarium. Her trenchcoat was still on, but was parted and revealed a dark blue sweater and black jeans underneath. She had the same umbrella strapped to her back and she flicked through a big, rustic book. The girl was deep in concentration, and she was prettier than she was a month before.

"I wonder what she's doing here," Jonah whispered as she nudged him. "You gonna make your move, or shall I?"

He placed his loose book into the gap. "Knock it off, Jonah."

"What? You obviously like her, since you're blushing and you look like you're in a trance," Jonah pointed out. "And it's a nice coincidence to take advantage of. Find out her name."

"No," he replied and walked to turn into the next aisle. Jonah quickly stuffed her book in the gap and chased after him. 

Levi turned into the aisle, and side-glanced at the girl. She paid no attention to him as he walked past. He faced the left side, and scanned over the titles of the books.

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