(5) Tee Hee

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2 days later, after the kiss

"GET OUT OF MY DAMN SCHOOL, YOU MAGGOTS!" Screeched the P.A. system.

That was the Dimmsdale High principal, an old drill sergeant willing to apply his molded, disciplined personality to harass the most ferocious and rebellious age group of all: teenagers.

So was Dimmsdale High, situated on a hill at the suburbs of the city, it was a crazy cesspool of hormones and teenage drama, (Great!) plus the teachers are badly paid, there is no standard for learning, and the principal doesn't allow anyone to have fun. Yeah from how I described it, this doesn't actually sound like a good school...

But that doesn't mean Chloe won't do something to change that! By being the first ever (and also potentially the last) hall monitor, the school crime rate has dramatically decreased to only 1.25 "mishaps" per day! She has also developed an innovate way of managing hallway traffic, reducing traffic congestion and the risk of "hallway traffic jams" below 8% therefore increasing overall efficiency, and she even incorporated broccoli and brussel sprouts into the cafeteria's menu! All this even without the position of school president!

Oh! We should probably go back to Timmy and Chloe! Yeah, they are the stars of the show after all! Look! They are just about to walk out of the school doors, let us zoom in and stalk them with our stalky stalker cameras...

We see the two walking down the sidewalk, side by side. Hey, I think they're both thinking about something...

"Should I go ask her? Should I not ask her?"

"Gosh, this is awkward..."

"I can probably do most of my homework on my own anyways..."

"I wonder if Timmy still wants me to help with his homework..."

"Does she hate me that I kissed her?"

"Are we friends still? He seems very quiet around me now..."

"Maybe I should just stop talking to her."

"Why did I kiss Timmy? Do I have a crush on him?"

"No Timmy! You need to talk to her! I need to fix this!"

"I should talk to him about the kiss!"

"I should talk to her about the kiss!"

"Hey, umm Chloe?"

Timmy turns toward Chloe, they face each other while imaginary cherry blossom leaves glide through the air, romantic music playing in the background, as Timmy's face turns towards Chloe, she sees the sun behind Timmy, highlighting his muscular features, his hair shining from the sun's rays, Oh, and that jawline...

"Umm... Chloe? You ok?"

Chloe snaps out of her dream state, to realize Timmy is waving his hand back and forth over Chloe's eyes...

Chloe blushes "Yeah, umm, yeah I'm good! Uhh you need something?"

"Hey, you don't have to walk home again. C'mon, Cosmo and Wanda are gone for some reason, let me give you a ride home..."

"Yeah umm sure..."

Moments later, they are rolling down the road...

"So... do you still need help with your homework?" Chloe asked shyly.

"Nope I'm good... although, it would be nice if you come along to my house Chloe, just me and you, alone in my room..." Timmy suddenly appears shirtless, showcasing his chiseled rock hard abs, with a charming look and a rose between his teeth, his hand gently touches Chloe's chin seductively. "Cosmo and Wanda can just give us some privacy, and we can have a good time together... you know? We can hop on the bed, and maybe light up some scented candles, and then we go crazy and start-"

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