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"Ok, ok Timmy, how do I look?"

"Wow... you look... nice."

It was 7:30 in the evening, they're going to be late for prom! After hours and hours of getting ready and tidying themselves up they're going to be late!

Chloe came out of Timmy's bathroom, revealing a gorgeous yellow prom dress, it complimented and matched with her blonde hair along with the purple scarf that she's wearing. She then performs a little twirl for Timmy to show off her dress a little more.

"Wow Chloe! Your date is so lucky!" added Wanda.

Timmy was sitting on his bed, sporting a black shirt and pants, with a pink hat and bowtie to add to his look.

(This is so cliche how they are wearing their colors.)

"Thanks you guys!" Chloe smiles "So Wanda's with me and Cosmo's with Timmy right?"

"Poof is with me too!" Timmy said.

Poof talks in a fashionista, diva voice "O. m. g. Tonight's gonna be fabulous Timmy! I better see a kiss before prom ends or else I'm gonna lock you up with some of my dating consultant friends!"

Chloe giggles "I'm so excited! Are you ready Timmy?"

"Yeah, c'mon guys! Let's go!"


Dimmsdale High, prom night...

The balloons are everywhere, there's a D.J., there's a lot of flashing lights in the gym, there's a kid already caught for bringing alcohol and everything...


The group teleported outside, the door to the school just a short distance away. Scores of cars are already parked, intricate vehicles are still rolling down the street carrying very anticipated party goers...

"Ok you three have fun! Let us know if you guys are leaving." Wanda waved.

"Good luck with Veronica! You never know what those popular kids are thinking!"

"Haha, you should worry about Crocker's nephew!"

Flashback, 2 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 42 minutes, and 20 seconds ago.

Chloe whispered "Look Kevin, stop talking about magic... let's just... enjoy this night."

"Sorry, I'm still new to this whole "date" thing..." Kevin replied.

"Just relax you're doing fine! Look at Timmy over there! See? Timmy and Veronica are slow dancing!" Chloe assured Kevin, pointing a finger towards the couple.

"You- you- you, want me to do- do that to you?"

"Yeah! Here just put your arms around me... no no no, Kevin lower, not my ribs... Kevin! That's my butt! There..."

"Umm... now what?"

"Just... I'll put my arms on your shoulders... see? And then we just lean back and forth to the music..."

"This is nice..." Kevin relaxed.


"I'm so sorry though..."

"For what?" Chloe wore a suspicious look.

"For this... SMOKE BOMB!"

Kevin did a few backflips away from Chloe, to grab a small box from his pocket. After pressing a red button the box expands and spits out fairy hunting gear. Courtesy of his uncle, Mr. Crocker.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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