Chapter 17: Atlantia

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The next morning at breakfast Professor Snape began handing out our class schedules. I was actually quite excited to see what my courses will be and what the actual courses will be.
My Schedule went like this:
Monday: Divination (Combined with Ravenclaw)
Care of Magical Creature.(Combined with Gryffindor.)
Free Period
Tuesday: Potions (Combined with Gryffindor)
Wednesday: History of Magic
Ancient Runes
Thursday: Transformation
Free period
Defense Against the Dark Arts (Combined with Grffyindor)
Friday: Free periods until nighttime for Astronomy.
I looked up from reading my schedule to see if I had the same classes as anyone else.
"Why do you have runes?" Draco asked, "No one does well in that. It is complicated to draw the runes freehanded in the exact same way."
"I didn't choose my courses, Draco." I explain,"Probably Dumbledore or one of the other professors did."
"Well, good luck." Draco says. Just then a bunch of owls flew in carrying all sort of packages. One owl dropped a buttload of sweets and cakes in Draco's lap.
"I'm going to head to class." I say getting up. Another boy, I think his name was Blaise,got up when he saw me getting ready to leave.
"What's your first class?" Blaise asked.
"Divination." I answer.
"I actually have that as my first class so I'll walk you there so you know where to go." He says gathering his books.
"That would be helpful." I say. We walk in silence for a little while before I ask,"What is Divination like?"
"The professor Sybill Trelawney, is a little crazy and it seems she does not actually see the future or the past and I don't know if this is actually a good class to continue to take but I took it last year so I have to this year according to my dad." Blaise explained.
"Well, I know Divination if done correctly can predict the future since Apollo was the one who told that mortal or I suppose wizard about it." I say.
"With Apollo being one of your parents, can you see the future?" Blaise asks curious.
"Yeah, but I don't like using that power." I say bitterly.
"Why?" He ask confused.
"Imagine this. I'll do a simplified version with just one person you. I see above your head multiple branches branching off because of a choice made. Those choices break of into more branches and I see this until your natural death. However, I also see all the ways you could die if a single mistake is made in your life. I see this above everyone's head. Would you want to see your friend's death more then once?" I say. He looks shocked and doesn't say another word for the rest of the way to the Divination classroom. I found we didn't really have desks so I chose the corner and sat on one of the poufs or a small cushion that sat next to a small circular table. Blaise sat next to one of the middle tables. Eventually people began to trickle in. There weren't that many students so not all tables were full. I ended up sitting alone.  I began to remember the last time that I actually had friends to sit next to.
"Good Day." I shake my thoughts from my head as I peer up at the very thin woman in front of me. She had a large amount of beads, chains, and bangles decorating her body.
"You seem to be preoccupied my dear. My inner eye sees past your brave facade to see the troubled soul within. However your troubles are not without evidence. I see troubles in your future and your past."who I guess is Professor Trelawney says. She straightens then walks to the front of the room. She opens her arms as she speaks,"My dears, it is time for us to consult the stars. The movement of the planets and the mysterious portents they reveal only to those who understand the steps of the celestial dance. Human destiny may be deciphered by the planetary rays, which intermingle..." I start to ignore her as I start looking into the future since I was super bored. I knew when I started to look into the future, according to Annabeth, my eyes glow blue so I hope the professor doesn't notice. I leave the future eventually to find Professor Trelawney standing right in front of me.
"Are you ok dear?" She asks.
"I am fine. Just wanted to take a look in the future." I say honestly.
"Can you tell us about it?" She asks eagerly.
"If you want a better future, then no." I say.
She looks a little taken back,"What?"
I sigh," I explained this to Blaise but I can see every choice that a person can make and it branches off so I can see every path that has a chance of happening which also means I can also see every way a person can die so I don't like to use it but sometimes I am just curious." She looks a little excited."Well, that is very cool and I hope you help us on the right paths, now I want you to fill in the position of the planets at the time of your births..." She begins to hand out charts while explaining how to do it. I just sighed and quickly completed the assignment since I had Athena made me memorize it when Apollo told me it because she was getting upset that he kept bragging to random mortals about my planet placement because apparently it meant I was destined for great things.
I heard from a Ravenclaw girl that admired the professor just shout out,"Oh, Professor, look. I think I've got an un-aspected planet! Oooh, which one is this professor."
"It is Uranus, my dear." Professor Trelawney says after looking at her chart.
"Can I have a look at Uranus too, Padma." Draco called out. I was highly certain Professor Trelawney heard him because she gave us a huge amount of homework. I followed the rest of the Slytherins as they walked out if the tower. They were grumbling on about how much homework they had. Eventually we made our way down to Hagrid's hut because apparently that is where the Care fo Magical. Creatures class is. The Gryffindors were already there and they were already asking questions about what we would be doing today and we caught Hagrid in the middle of saying something.
"On'y jus' hatched," He says proudly,"so yeh'll be able ter raise 'em yourselves! Thought we'd make it a bit of a project of it." I caught a look at the cages near Hagrids feet and I saw Blast-Ended Skrewts. Oh great.
"And why would we want to raise them?" Draco said as we got closer. Every turns to face us. Hagrid looked stumped at the question as Crabbe and Goyle chuckle at Draco's comment.
"I mean what do they do?" Draco asked annoyed,"What is the point of them?"
"Tha's next lessons, Malfoy," Hagrid answers roughly,"Yer, jus' feedin' 'em today.Now yeh'll wan' ter try 'em on a few diff'rent things—I've never had 'em before, not sure what they'll go fer—I got ant eggs an' frog livers an' a bit o' grass snake—just try 'em out with a bit of each." I walk toward a box with the other Slytherins following me. I knew what Blast-Ended Skrewts were since Ares made them as a joke for Poseidon since they kinda resembled lobsters with their shells. For some reasons they like me so I know I can easily feed them. However, I know how frightening these monsters will be when fully grown since it's where Ares's joke went wrong. The monsters resemble more of a giant scorpion which pissed off Poseidon. Let's just say there was a big storm in the sea and a big war that occurred that year. I am pulled from my thoughts when one of the Gryffindor boys shout.
"Ouch!" He crys out," It got me." Hagrid immediately runs over.
"Its end exploded." I hear him say.
"Ah yeah, that can happen when they blast off.My eyes widen since I knew that the burn from the Skrewts could easily cause an infection so I sent some healing magic toward him. I could see him looking around in confusion at why his hand healed as I continue trying to coax the Skrewts to eat.
"Eurgh, Eurgh," I hear a Gryffindor girl cry out,"Hagrid, what's that pointy thing on it?"
"Ah, some of 'em have got stings." Hagrid says the girl immediately draws her hand back from the cage. Everyone else steps away from the cage. I continue to feed the Skrewts.
"I reckon they're the males...The females've got sorta sucker things on their bellies...I think they might be ter suck blood." Hagrid continues.
"Well, I certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive," Draco sarcastically states,"Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at one?"
"Just because they're not very pretty, it doesn't mean they're not useful." Hermione snaps at him,"Dragon blood's amazingly magical, but you wouldn't want a dragon for a pet ,would you?" I snort at that. Hagrid then notices me carefully allowing the Skrewts to eat out of my hands.
"Look, at Atlantia," He says happily," she's feedin' 'em."
"These Blast-ended Skrewts were created by my father Ares the greek god of war as a joke for my other father Poseidon. However it went wrong when they grew up since they resemble scorpions instead of scary lobsters." I explain. I spend the rest of the hour being the one to test what food the Skrewts ate before heading up to lunch with the rest of my class.

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