Chapter 52: Atlantia

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Hermione didn't talk to me for the next two weeks which I contributed to her trying to find a venue that we can secretly have the "tutoring" session with Professor Umbridge now requiring that all teams, and clubs be approved by her. It didn't really affect me except for this secret tutoring group that I was now apparently the teacher of but apparently the Quidditch teams also had to ask for approval so they could reinstate their team. Slytherin was rather quickly approved but apparently the other Houses are struggling to get their teams approved but Gryffindor was really having a hard time. I didn't want to threaten Professor Umbridge in just allowing all the Quidditch teams to be reinstated since it would probably make it worse so I decided to just ignore the issue.
The next time Hermione approached me, I was relieving my stress by using my Persephone powers to grow the herbs in Professor Sprouts garden. I found using my non-destructive powers to be very stress relieving so when I needed a break from something I tended to use them. I heard footsteps on the soft dirt so I looked back to see Hermione approaching.
"Hey, Hermione." I said continuing to encourage the plants to blossom.
"Hey, Atlantia. What are you doing?" She said looking at the very mature plants that were left in my wake.
"I am a little stressed so I am using a non-destructive power to try to calm me down." I explain.
"Wow. It's amazing how many powers you have. Hermione said staring in amazement at the herbs. "Umm...I came down to tell you that some people want you to tutor now, can you come now?"
"Yeah, give me one moment." I said closing my eyes and sending a burst of powers over the remaining herbs that were untouched. I could see Hermione staring at the plants in awe as they grew to their full maturity. "Lead the way." I turned back to Hermione once I was sure the plants were good. She nodded before walking toward Hogwarts. I followed as she led me through the hallways before entering a hallway that I had never been in.
"Harry said to think of what we need." Hermione mumbled standing in front of a door. I stared at her confused before pushing open the door. I saw Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George,and a bunch of other people I didn't know.
"Umm, hi." I said as I entered. Hermione quickly stepped up next to me.
"Hey, guys so thanks for coming here tonight. So, Atlantia has graciously accepted to help teach us how to defend our selves but first I just want to make sure everyone is ok with her being leader so all in favor please raise your hand." Hermione stated. Surprisingly, to me at least, everyone raised their hand.
"Oh wow...Um thanks I guess. Is there a name to this group so I don't have to call it the "tutoring group" I say. Everyone laughs at that.
"How about the Defense Association?" A quiet voice said. I looked in that direction to see Cho and Cedric standing together, "The D.A for short so nobody knows what we are talking about."
"Yeah, the D.A's good," Ginny stated, "Only let's make it stand for Dumbledore's Army because that's the Ministry's worst fear, isn't it?" There were some barks of laughter that followed Ginny's statement.
"All in favor of D.A?" Hermione spoke up through the laughter, "That's a majority...motion past." She ended up pinning this paper on the wall that read Dumbledore's Army.
"Right. So shall we get started?" I say once she had finish pinning the paper. "I was thinking we review the basics like Expelliarmus and the disabling charm in this meeting and the next before moving onto the harder spells. I would also like to introduce hand combat to you guys or non-wand or powers fighting."
"Oh please," A boy I didn't know said pushing his way to me, "How can non-wand fighting help us against You-Know-Who? Hell, how can it help us against any wizard or witch?"
I frowned at him, "Well...I'm sorry I don't know your name."
"Zacharias Smith." He said still waiting for my answer.
"Well, Zacherias, ask Harry but I technically fought all of You-Know-Who's Death Eaters with hand combat, but you may want a demonstration so how about I don't use any of my powers or wands and you fight me with your wand?" I say a little frustrated with him already and figured he would not stop whining until I showed how it could help. Once he nods, I call out to the group to make one. I take one end of the room while he took the other.
"The match begins in 3...2...1." Hermione counted down, "Fight!" I began a slow walk toward him carefully pushing away my powers so I couldn't use them.
"Expelliarmus." I heard him shout using my well-trained body, I do a flip over the spell completely dodging the spell and land into a crouch before breaking into a run toward Zacherias. He kept shooting that spell toward me but I kept rolling, ducking, and flipping away from the spells. When I was finally close, I ducked his spell before hitting his trachea and then his wrist to get him to drop his wand. Once he drops it, I grab it and toss it away toward Harry.
"Pretend I snapped that against my knee." I shouted before returning to the fight. I flip myself so I am now behind the recovered Zacherias. I grab around his neck and take him down to the ground with me. I wrap my arms around his neck and tightened the grip so that my arms slightly blocking his airway.
"If I continue to squeeze, you will be unconscious or dead if I do it longer." I say letting go and rolling back onto my feet, "So you see you can defeat a wizard or witch without the use of a wand. Now, you won't have to do the choke-hold like I did normally because you have your wands but if you were disarmed it would be great to know you can still fight without the wand. Now, I will train you in hand-to-hand combat. Most likely the Death Eaters won't be trained in hand-to-hand combat so you will have the upper-hand if you listen to me. Now pair up and begin practicing the Expelliarmus spell. I will walk around correcting form and such." I check the watch I wear on my watch. "If we have time, I will begin teaching basic hand-to-hand combat." Everyone paired up immediately. I began to wander through the pairs trying my best to improve their technique. Overall, I was glad I asked to start with the basics since a lot of them were struggling with the simple spell. I glared at Fred and George once to stop them from pranking another student. Once everyone began to get the spells, I checked my watch and realized we had about 20 minuted till Filch will nail us for being out of bed.
"So, we have a small amount of time before we have to be back in our specific dorm room so I want to use it to see you fighting technique so I can figure out what I have to teach." I paired up everyone with someone close to their size before watching each pair fight. I shake my head as I watch each pair. They don't know how to fight so it looks like I am going to start from the beginning.
"Alright, it looks like I have to start from the beginning. How about we meet next week same time?" I say after watching every pair fight.
"Sooner," I heard someone call out.
"No, we have Quidditch practice everyday." A tall girl who I believe is in Gryffindor states.
"Let's plan to meet next week same time and them decide on more meetings. Alright?" I say trying to keep the peace. Everyone murmurs their agreement before in pairs disappear down the hallway. I shadow traveled back to the Slytherin dormitory and I could see Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Millicent, and Pansy looking worried until they saw me.
"There you are. I thought you were going to get detention for being out of bed. What took you so long?" Pansy exclaimed standing up.
"I was stressed so I was out in Professor Sprout's garden coaxing the plants to grow into maturity." I say lying slightly.
"Oh, she's going to be shocked in the morning. Well, at least you weren't late. Let's go to bed." Draco said heading for the boys' room. I felt bad lying to my friends but until they were a part of the D.A. I couldn't say a word.
An: I am so sorry for not updating the last two days. I have been so busy but I am trying to update. Don't worry I won't stop writing but it may take me longer then everyday to get the chapters out. Thank you everyone for reading and the votes. I really appreciate it.

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