Chapter 77: Atlantia

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"What do you mean you should be the one drink it?" Harry asked.
"You two will die if you drink that much Drink of Despair." I answer, "I on the other hand while it will bring up bad memories, I will live." I turn to Dumbledore, "Promise me you will keep shoveling this potion into my mouth no matter what I say or do." Dumbledore stares at me for a moment before nodding his head slowly. I turn to the full basin and I grab the goblet before dipping it into the potion. I take a deep breathe before draining the potion in one go. I felt the affects immedietly as my vision begins to cloud. I dunk the goblet back into the basin quickly and drain it quicker then the first one. As I dip the goblet and drink the next cup, I fully succumb to the potion. I could still feel the goblet in my hand but I also had the feeling of chains on my bruised and cut wrist as I stared up through my vision filled eyes at Annabeth and Percy being held up by the giants.
"Noooo!" I screamed, "Kill me instead.My blood is more powerful."
"We need you drink this Atlantia," I faintly heard Dumbledore say as I felt the goblet being placed against my lips. I sipped as my mentally was pulled further into the memory.
"Gaea wants you alive." Porphyrion said smiling at me. "So these two will have to due for the sacrifice."
"No...please kill me instead," I screamed again trying to break through these chains that were infused with some type of magic that stopped my powers. I could feel so much pain on my damaged wrists that I could hear my whimpers in between my words.
"It's alright." I heard Harry murmuring to me as the goblet is forced to my lips again. As I finish that goblet,I saw Piper flying over the group of monsters as the other demigods descend on the Acropolis. Another goblet is placed on my lips. Periboia, Porphyrion's daughter, slices a gash on Annabeth's thigh as she drops from Periboia's hold. I felt the goblet again and again on my lips as I continue to struggle to break the chains holding me to the platform in the center of Acropolis. I continue to scream at the giants until I feel the goblet being drawn away from my lips and not being brought back. I fight against the chains until I black out from either the effects of the potion or the pain.
Point of View Change: Harry
I didn't like that the 14 year old had to drink this potion that according to her will kill us but just let her live through a bad memory. When she took the first sip, I could see her eyes glass over and I could tell she knew that it was already affecting her so she quickly dipped it back into the liquid. I watch as she quickly drinks this one and the next one before she stops. Atlantia stared into the space in front of her.
"Atlantia, you alright?" I ask but she gives no indication that she understood me. Dumbledore gently takes the goblet from her hand and fills it once more as she begins to scream.
"NOOOOO!" Atlantia screamed. I could see tears streaming down her face, "Kill me instead. My blood is more powerful."
"We need you to drink this Atlantia," Dumbledore softly says to her as he tips the goblet into her mouth. She obediently drinks it.
"No...please kill me instead." I heard her whimper.
"It's alright." I say trying to comfort her as Dumbledore feeds her more of the potion. She screams again and again as the goblet is brought to her lips. Finally the last drop is emptied from the basin and Dumbledore places the goblet on the ground and grabs the locket in the basin. As he turns back around, Atlantia crumples to the ground.
"Atlantia!" I shout. I catch her and gently lay her onto the ground. I could see she was very pale and her body was twitching as if she was in pain. "Professor, what is wrong with her?" I look up to Dumbledore.
"I am afraid that she is living through a terrible memory and based on her path, I would have to say it involved emotional and physical pain. She will be fine if we get her back to Hogwarts. Come, Harry help an old wizard carry her." I quickly pick her up bridal style and I realize as I carry her all the scars that litter her body.
"Professor, why haven't I seen all these scars." I say as we make our way to the boat but before he could answer, these creepy pale as white human like creatures with sunken eyes came out of the water. I was about to shift Atlantia so I could grab my wand when Dumbledore fired off a spell of fire, creating a circle around us so the Inferi couldn't touch us as we made our way into the boat and across the lake. When we arrived at the other side of the lake, Dumbledore got out first and helped me with Atlantia out of the boat. She had stopped twitching at least so I hoped she would awake up soon. We made our way to the archway where we had entered which now had closed. Dumbledore instantly took out a knife and cut a small cut on his arm swiping the bloody wound in the wall. The wall opened up and we made out way outside. Once we were outside, Dumbledore gestured for me to place Atlantia on this smooth rock near the ocean. I obeyed quickly laying her gently onto the rock before stepping back for Dumbledore to do his thing. To my surprise all he did was move Atlantia's hand so it touched the ocean water. I watch as her face begins to gain back some of her color before waking up with a start. She gasped as she looks around in battle mode.
"You did it Atlantia," Dumbledore said smiling, "You save me and Harry from having to drink such a terrible potion. I am terribly sorry that you had to live through such a terrible moment in your life but I am grateful in your sacrifice." She nods before pushing herself off the rock. She was still weak so her legs gave put from under her. I catch her and support her as Dumbledore guides us back to Hogwarts with the use of apparition. When we arrived back, I saw the Dark Mark in the sky. Atlantia had also seen it and somehow she gained strength from seeing it. She opened her wings and grabbed my hand and Dumbledore's and shot into the air. It was frightening being that high in the sky only being supported by a 14 year old girl's hand. I was happy when we landed in the Astronomy Tower.
"What does it mean?" I ask Dumbledore seeing the room showed no sign of struggles, "Is it the real Mark? Has someone definitely been—Professor?" I stop abruptly when I see him clutching his heart with his blackened hand.
"Go and Wake Severus," Dumbledore says looking at me, "Tell him what has happened and bring him to me. Do nothing else, speak to nobody else, and do not remove your cloak.I shall wait here with Atlantia."
"But..." I begin.
"You swore to obey me Harry." Dumbledore says sharply looking at me. I rush toward door while placing the cloak over me. I could hear Dumbledore saying something to Atlantia but I couldn't make it out. Before I made it to the door, running footsteps could be heard on the other side. I stop and retreat when I glance back at Dumbledore who gestured for me to do so. I noticed Atlantia whispering something to Dumbledore who nodded somberly before she stared at the door sadly. The door then exploded open and I heard someone shout Expelliarmus. Dumbledore's wand flies out if his hand and Atlantia does not move an inch. I felt something freeze me in my place and I could see by the light of the Dark Mark that Atlantia had frozen me to my spot forcing me to not help. I couldn't see the attacker but I knew exactly who it was when Dumbledore spoke.
"Good evening, Draco."
An: Hey guys, Thank you so much for being understanding for not updating these last few days. I really appreciate it. I am sorry for not updating  yesterday since I said I would. I got distracted hanging put with my brother. I am going to try to write one more chapter by the end of the day to make up for it. Thank you for all the reads and votes!!!

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