Chapter 78: Harry

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Malfoy stepped forward through the broken door eyeing the disarmed Headmaster. His eyes fell upon Atlantia and I could see the shock written on his face to find her there.
"Atlantia," Malfoy says staring at her.
"Draco," She replies bitterly.
"Why are you here?" Malfoy asks waving his arms, "You here to stop me from killing Dumbledore?"
To my surprise she shakes her head.
"I can't Draco," Atlantia looks up at him sadness written in her eyes, "The Fates have forbidden me to try and stop you no matter how much I want to. You will hurt after this Draco if you kill him. Murdering someone is not as easy as it sounds. Believe me. I have ended so many lose a part of you when you do so Draco and I don't want you to lose the part I lost many years ago...I know you don't want to do this Draco...I know now it was you who almost killed Katie Bell and Ron Weasley..." She trailed off when she heard banging and shouting on the floor below. Atlantia looked shocked at him.
"You brought Death Eaters here?" She says looking at him in disbelief, "How? Why would you do that?"
"They are back-up Atlantia." Draco shouts at her, "You really think that You-Know-Who would just have me kill Dumbledore without the Death Eaters there? He wants to ensure I am the one who kills him. If not, I die. My mom dies. My dad dies. My family dies, Atlantia. I have to do this."
"You don't Draco," Atlantia says, "You don't think I can protect you? I have places that he can't reach. I can take your mom there. I can take your father there is I have to but I think he is safe in Azkaban."
"You don't know that, Atlantia." Draco snapped at her, "You don't know your Grandfather like I do. He will kill me and my family if I don't do this."
"You will lose me if you kill Dumbledore, Draco." Atlantia said tears forming in her eyes, "And I don't want to lose you."
"You don't know what your heart wants," Draco shouts angrily at her, "You are stuck between me and Blaise. I can't just put my life on the line for you to make a decision between us. I will die if I don't do this." Before Atlantia could respond, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and up walks four Death Eaters.
"Dumbledore cornered." A lumpy-looking man gleefully said turning to the woman next to him, "Dumbledore is wandless but look out Lord's granddaughter is here. He would be happy to know we were able to capture and bring her to him. Great Job, Draco."
"Good evening, Amycus," Dumbledore said calmly, "And you've brought Alecto charming..."
"Think you'll little jokes'll hope you on your deathbed then," Alecto jeered.
"Jokes? No,no, these are manners." Dumbledore replied.
"Do it." A big man with robes that looked uncomfortably tight with grey hair and whiskers said.
"Is that you Fenir?" Dumbledore asked looking at him.
"That's right," Fenir growled, "Pleased to see me, Dumbledore?"
"No, I cannot say that I am."
Fenir Greyback grinned showing the blood trickling down his teeth.
"But you know how much I like kids, Dumbledore." He turns to Atlantia, "I can rip put her throat and turn her into an animal that can't be controlled."
"You take one step toward me," Atlantia says stepping forward, "And I will kill you." She summons a knife into her hand, "I have kill Lycaon, you know the first werewolf? I can kill you and you know I may kill you no matter what if you hurt little kids." Fenir just laughed.
"I like you, girl." He said grinning at her, "I am going to ensure that you join hands with your grandfather.
"Oh enough of this talk," Alecto said stepping next to Draco, "Draco kill Dumbledore." Draco lifted his wand slightly but I could see that he was not wanting to kill Dumbledore with his shaky hands.
"I'll do it," Fenir growled stepping forward.
"No," The fourth Death Eater said waving his wand and the werewolf went flying through the air hitting the wall behind him. The werewolf was very angry after that.
"Draco,do it or stand aside so one of us..." Alecto shouted but stopped when the door flew open and revealed Snape. He eyed the scene in front of him with Dumbledore and Atlantia standing there calmly,an angry werewolf, the four Death Eaters, and Draco with his shaking hand.
"We've got a problem,Snape," Amycus said keeping his eyes and wand on Dumbledore and Atlantia, "the boy doesn't seem able..."
"Severus." I turn to see Atlantia stepping away from Dumbledore. Dumbledore looked at Atlantia and nodded somberly at her before turning back to Snape.
"Severus, Please..."Dumbledore pleaded for what I did not know.
"Avada Kadava." Snape shouted pointing his wand at Dumbledore. I screamed silently but Atlantia didn't move a muscle to stop Dumbledore's body from falling from the Tower. She turns to the Death Eaters and Draco.
"I had to allow him to die." She murmured. Atlantia seemed broken from the choice she made. "But I can avenge his death." She tosses the knife she had in her hand at Fenir who dodged it and immediately attacks her.
"Out of here quickly," Snape shouted as Atlantia fought with Fenir. I felt the hold on me disappear. I glance at Atlantia and I saw the look in her eyes telling me to leave right now. I throw off the cloak and sprint after Snape and Draco.
Point of view change: Atlantia
Dumbledore and I had a silent conversation as Harry begins to leave the tower that I would let him die.
"It's my time." He had said. I was still upset that he had to die but I knew it was never right to hold someone past their time. When Draco entered the tower and disabled Dumbledore, I instantly froze Harry to the spot so he wouldn't hurt himself trying to rescue Dumbledore. Then speaking to Draco, I broke down when I realized that he was going to do it. However those Death Eaters came and Dumbledore agitated them especially that werwolf. When Snape entered, I knew what needed to happen. I called out to Snape before looking sadly at Dumbledore and walking away from him. Dumbledore pleaded for Snape to do it and he did sending Dumbledore flying over the edge. I didn't move for a moment before murmuring to myself that it was alright that I didn't save him. It was the right thing before turning on the Death Eaters. Fenir charged me and I heard Snape calling for the others to run. I unfroze Harry and I caught his eye mentally telling him to run after them. I dodge the swipe that Fenir had tried at my neck.
"I can't wait to taste your flesh, child." Fenir said licking his lips and circling me as I watched him, "I have never had a child of gods before."
"And you will die never tasting one." I say brandishing the silver coated knife in my hands and around my waist. He snarls before charging me. When he close to me,I jump over his head while stabbing one of my knives into his shoulders. He howled as he stumbles and I land in crouch behind him. I turn and throw a knife straight into the middle of his back. He wailed again before turning and charging. I threw two knives at him before dodging his attack and summoning a silver chain and throwing it around his neck. He howls in pain as the silver burns his skin. I use the chain to pull him closer to me. I summon a silver coated sword and stick it right through his heart. The look in his eyes showed shock and horror as he realized that he was going to die. I pull out the sword and he stumbles backwards.He whimpers as he does so before collapsing near the edge of the tower ledge where Dumbledore had fallen. I felt his death so I knew he had truly died so I jumped out off the ledge while opening my wings. I landed next to Dumbledore's broken body. A small crowd began to gather as to see who or what had fallen from the Astronomy Tower. I stared at Dumbledore's body. If I wasn't able to feel when someone was alive or not,I would say that Dumbledore was sleeping with his closed eyes and weirdly positioned arms and legs. I wipe the blood away from Dumbledore's mouth before noticing a locket coming out of his pocket. I take it and open it to find a piece of parchment paper that read
To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.
I stared at the note and I realized that I didn't have to drink that potion in that cave. I could have had enough strength to perhaps have saved Harry from seeing his professor die in front of him.
"Atlantia!" I turn being pulled from my thoughts. I pushed the note and locket into my pocket as I do so. I see Ginny running toward me. "Please come. Bill was attacked by Finir Greyback. You saved that man in St. Mungo, you surely can save Bill." She said pulling me away from Dumbledore's body. I think she was so distraught about Bill that she didn't realize Dumbledore's broken body was right behind me. Ginny pulled me all the way to the Hospital Wing. When I entered, I saw Ron, Hermione, and Luna gathered around a bed in the center of the room.Neville was in a bed close by. I saw Tonks, Lupin, and Sirius was also standing by. I walk toward the bed they surrounded. I was not prepared to see the wounds on Bill's body. If I didn't know it was him, I would have not recognized him. His face was badly slashed and ripped past recognition. I gently pushed Madam Pomfrey from Bill and placed my hand in his. I summoned the energy I had left since I had fought Greyback and killed him moments before this while also drinking possibly a whole cauldron of the Drink of Despair. I felt the pain come into my body and I felt the effects of the werewolf leave his body. His wounds healed and he soon became the reconizable Bill. He smiled at me when he felt the pain disappear.
"Thank you, Atlantia." He says gratefully, "I owe you my life. If you need me, I am there for you." I smile tiredly at him before I collapse and blackness takes me.

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