Chapter 35: Atlantia

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When the shadows disappeared, I found myself in a graveyard. I saw the trophy off to the side of me. Then I heard a scream. I looked up and I saw a group of people in black capes and I realized the Death Eaters were here. I knew someone was being hurt but he/she is not dying so I wanted to be cautious before going all in. I saw a body laying a little away from the group so I quickly vapor traveled to the body and I saw it was Cedric. I could tell he has only been dead for 6 minutes so that leaves me 14 minutes to rescue who I assume to be Harry and raise Cedric from the dead. I decide to shadow travel right into the middle of the circle. When I appear I hear, someone yell Crucio. I instinctively put up the lightening shield and the spell it sent at someone else who I could see in my peripheral vision someone ducking out of the way of the spell. I stare at the person who shot the pain curse at Harry. He has skin that was whiter then a skull with red eyes and a flat nose with two snake like slits.
"Who are you?" He asks.
"If you are who I think you are, I am your granddaughter." I states.
"My daughter was killed." Voldemort replies.
"She lived." I smirk, "Your one-night stand pregnant girl faked her daughter's death so she can live even if it meant she herself had to die. My mother, Coral Brooks, was able to make it through some of Hogwarts before she had to escape because you were rising. She moved to the United States where she had me: the daughter of every Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian god and goddess and a daughter of a half witch and a half siren." He looked stunned and then smile looking at his Death Eaters.
"My granddaughter is powerful just like her grandfather."Voldemort said, "Prove your worth by killing that boy behind you."
"Sorry Grandad." I say, "I didn't spend the first 7 years of my life fighting evil to join the other side." I summoned a storm and used the storm to create lightning. The lightning struck the spot in which Voldemort stood. I used my power over the wind to knock all the Death Eaters to the ground. I grabbed Harry's hand and vapored traveled to Cedric's body. I checked my internal clock and realized I had 4 minutes before Cedric can never be a part of the land of the living. With Harry's help, I began pulling his body toward the trophy.
"Stop them." I heard Voldemort yell, "Kill Harry Potter but keep my granddaughter alive. I want a word with her."
"I guess you didn't kill him." Harry says as we dragged Cedric's body.
"Thought that would kill him. Do you guys have spells that can keep you alive forever?" I ask him. I looked to see how far we were from the trophy and I realized we were still far from it.
"Not that I know of." Harry said pulling me from my thoughts. I heard someone shouting a spell so I pulled the shield over the three of us just in time for a green colored spell to hit the shield.
"Harry drag Cedric to the trophy. I will slow them down and meet you there." I summon a watch and gave it to him, "If that hits 1 minute just touch the trophy and return home. I can meet you home without the trophy. Don't wait for me." I run and begin to attack the Death Eaters. I summon a staff and whack the nearest Death Eater on the head and he went down fast. I dodge the spells coming at me. I summon vines from the ground that wrap around the wands of the Death Eaters. The Death Eaters began to fight me in hand to hand combat. They were not skilled as I was so it was easy.
"Atlantia, its at 1:39," Harry shouted. I used my elbow to knock out the Death Eater I was fighting before vapor traveling to Harry. I grabbed Harry's arm and held onto Cedric as he grabbed the trophy. I felt the familiar feeling in my stomach as the portkey activated.
"Nooooo!" Was the last I heard of Voldemort before the three of us landed on the soft ground of the Quidditch Field.
"Harry, Atlantia, and...Oh my god Cedric is dead!" I heard someone yell. I felt someone try to pull me away from Cedric but I could see on Harry's watch that he only had 55 seconds left. I pushed whoever it was off and grabbed Cedric and began to sing.
Ocean hear my cry
let your power in me shine
Reverse the clock
heal what once was fine
Save the one who was hurt
Change the Fate's design
heal what once was fine
bring back what once was mine
I felt my energy leave my body and I could see it enter Cedric. I collapsed next to Cedric but I took a glance at Harry's watch and saw I had 10 seconds to spare. I heard a breath next to me. I looked down to see Cedric coming back to life. I heard Amos Diggory and his wife screaming with relief and embraced Cedric in a hug. I felt arms wrapping under my arms and pulling me to my feet. I tried to walk but I just collapsed right back down. I felt the arms again but this time wrap around my arm and under my knees. I forced my eyes to open and I could see all the students we past looking in awe and thankful at me. I turned my head to see who was carrying me and I saw Professor Snape was the one holding me. He noticed that I was looking at him so he spoke.
"Atlantia, I don't know how you did that but I hope you didn't cause permanent damage to your body." Snape said looking at me concerned.
"No permanent damage since I had pretty much full power but I will need sleep." I answer sleepily.
"Just stay awake until we get to Madam Pomfrey. I don't want to have to explain this on my own." He says grinning at me. Snape begins to talk about random stuff. I guess it was his way of making sure I stayed awake. Eventually we arrive at the Hospital Wing and Madam Pomfrey immediately begins to fret over me but once I explained I just needed to sleep. She told Snape to place me in a bed and I finally succumb to my weary body's wish to sleep.

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