Chapter 23: Atlantia

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There is silence as everyone turns to find both of Harry and I. I could see everyone was truly shocked at me being that I was 5 years younger then the required age. I finally get up and walk toward the door and Harry quickly follows my lead. When we walk through the door, the three champions turn toward us.
"What is it?" Fleur said,"Do zey want us back in ze Hall?" I didn't know what to say so I stayed quiet until Ludo Bagman,one of the judges of the Tournament, comes running in.
"Extraordinary!" he shouts as he enters. "Absolutely extraordinary! Gentlemen . . . lady," he added, approaching the fireside and addressing the other three. "May I introduce—incredible though it may seem...the fourth and fifth Triwizard champions?" Krum looked at me shocked and also a little worried. I just couldn't tell if he was worried for me or for his chance in the tournament since I easily beat him in our sparring match. Cedric look nonplussed and Fleur just smiled.
"Oh, vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman." Fleur said thinking its a joke.
"Joke?" Bagman repeated. "No, no, not at all! Harry's and Atlantia's names just came out of the Goblet of Fire!" Krum looked even more confused while Cedric still look nonplussed and Fleur frowned.
"But evidently zair 'as been a mistake," she said. "zeir cannot compete. Zeir too young."
"Well . . . it is amazing," Bagman states smiling at me and Harry "But, as you know, the age restriction was only imposed this year as an extra safety measure. And as their names come out of the goblet . . . I mean, I don't think there can be any ducking out at this stage. . . . It's down in the rules, you're obliged . . . Harry and Atlantia  will just have to do the best they..." He is interrupted when the door opens again and running is Dumbledore, Professional McGonagall, Mr. Crouch(another judge in the Tournament,Professor Karkaroff, Madame Maxine, and Professor Snape.
"Madame Maxime!" Fleur stated as soon as she saw her headmaster. "Zey are saying zat zis little boy and little girl are to compete also!" I didn't fault her for calling me a little girl since I am pretty short for my age and I am only 12. Madame Maxime straightens to her full height before addressing Dumbledore.
"What is ze meaning of zis, Dumbly-dorr?" she states a tad angry.
"I'd rather like to know that myself, Dumbledore,"Professor Karkaroff states curtly, "Three Hogwarts champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed three champions—or have I not read the rules carefully enough?"
"C'est impossible," said Madame Maxime, whose enormous hand was resting upon Fleur's shoulder. "' Ogwarts cannot 'ave three champions. It is most injust."
"We were under the impression that your Age Line would keep out younger contestants, Dumbledore," Karkaroff states."Otherwise, we would, of course, have brought along a wider selection of candidates from our own schools."
"Its no ones fault but Potters. He has been causing trouble since he has been here and has dragged Atlantia into his troubles as well. Don't go blaming Dumbledore for Potter's obsession with breaking..."Snape growls out sending a glare in Harry's direction while putting a protective hand on my shoulder. I guess since I am a student in his house, he doesn't think I did anything wrong.
"Thank you, Severus," said Dumbledore firmly. Snape shut up after that but continued to glare at Harry.
"Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" he asked calmly.
"No," Harry responded quickly. I looked around the room and I could see the disbelief in everyone's eyes as he answered.
"Did you ask an older student to put it into the Goblet of Fire for you?" said Professor Dumbledore.
"No," Harry responded again.
"Ah, but of course 'e is lying!" cried Madame Maxime.
"He could not have crossed the Age Line," said Professor McGonagall sharply. "I am sure we are all agreed on that..."
"Dumbly-dorr must 'ave made a mistake wiz ze line," said Madame Maxime, shrugging.
"It is possible, of course," said Dumbledore politely.
"Oh for gods sake." I finally say. Everyone turns toward me,"You want to know the truth? We didn't put out names in the Goblet. Either someone put it in there or the Goblet magically conquered our names which frankly with the way the Fates have been messing with my life, I wouldn't be shocked at that."
"How do we know you are telling the truth?" Karkaroff accuses. I sighed and stuck out my hand.
"I'm giving you access to my memories. You can go through my memories for the last 24 hours." I state still holding my hand. Karkaroff strode toward me and grabbed my hand. I watch as his frown turns into amazement as he has the chance to watch my memories. He is silent as he skirts through my memories. Eventually he lets go of my hand.
"The girl is telling the truth."Karkaroff states,"She did not place her name in the Goblet of Fire. It is unknown how her name got in there. However, she doesn't know if Harry is telling the truth." He looks at Harry with hate.
" And I insist upon resubmitting the names of the rest of my students,"Karkaroff continues, "You will set up the Goblet of Fire once more, and we will continue adding names until each school has three champions. It's only fair, Dumbledore."
"But Karkaroff, it doesn't work like that," Bagman states. "The Goblet of Fire's just gone out, it won't reignite until the start of the next tournament..."
"in which Durmstrang will most certainly not be competing!" exploded Karkaroff. "After all our meetings and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of this nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave now!"
"Empty threat, Karkaroff," growled a voice from near the door. "You can't leave your champion now. He's got to compete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?" I look over to see Moody limping into the room.
"Convenient?" Karkaroff states still angry,  "afraid I don't understand you, Moody."
"Don't you?" said Moody quietly. "It's very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potter's and Atlantia's name in that goblet knowing he'd and she'd have to compete if it came out."
"Evidently, someone 'oo wished to give 'Ogwarts three bites at ze apple!" said Madame Maxime.
"I quite agree, Madame Maxime," said Karkaroff, bowing to her. "I shall be lodging complaints with the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards..."
"If anyone's got reason to complain, it's Potter and Atlantia," growled Moody, "but . . . funny thing . . . I don't hear them saying a word. . . ."
""Why should 'e complain?" burst out Fleur Delacour, stamping her foot. "' E 'as ze chance to compete, 'asn't 'e? We 'ave all been 'oping to be chosen for weeks and weeks! Ze honor for our schools! A thousand Galleons in prize money—zis is a chance many would die for!"
"Have you thought the someone wanted us to die!" I shout. That stunned everyone into silence, "You guys know I have been fighting for my life since I was 5. Do you know how many enemies I have?Harry also probably has a lot for being the Boy Who Lived."
"What a thing to say Atlantia. I know you are probably haunted by your past but what evidence do you have that someone out Harry's name in the Goblet? Your name has obviously been put in there but how can you prove Harry's name was put in there?" Karkaroff said throwing his hand in the air.
"I can answer that." Moody answered,""Because they hoodwinked a very powerful magical object! It would have needed an exceptionally strong Confundus Charm to bamboozle that goblet into forgetting that only three schools compete in the tournament. I'm guessing they submitted Potter's name under a fourth school, to make sure he was the only one in his category and Atlantia under a fifth school for the same reasons."
"You seem to have given this a great deal of thought, Moody," said Karkaroff coldly, "and a very ingenious theory it is—though of course, I heard you recently got it into your head that one of your birthday presents contained a cunningly disguised basilisk egg, and smashed it to pieces before realizing it was a carriage clock. So you'll understand if we don't take you entirely seriously..."
"There are those who'll turn innocent occasions to their advantage," Moody retorted in a menacing voice. "It's my job to think the way Dark wizards do, Karkaroff—as you ought to remember..."
"Alastor!" said Dumbledore warningly.
""How this situation arose, we do not know,"Dumbledore continued. "It seems to me, however, that we have no choice but to accept it. Both Cedric,Harry, and Atlantia have been chosen to compete in the tournament. This, therefore, they will do. . . ."
"Ah, but Dumbly-dorr—" Madame Maxine began.
"My dear Madame Maxime, if you have an alternative, I would be delighted to hear it." Dumbledore said slightly annoyed. She didn't respond but looked absolutely livid along with Snape, And Professor Karkaroff.
"Well, shall we crack on, then?"Dumbledore finally says smiling"Got to give our champions their instructions, haven't we? Barty, want to do the honors?" Me. Crouch immediately snaps out of the daze he was in.
""Yes," he said, "instructions. Yes . . . the first task... "The first task is designed to test your daring so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard...very important... The first task will take place on November the twenty-fourth, in front of the other students and the panel of judges. The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over. Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year tests." Mr. Crouch then turns to Dumbledore. "I think that's all, is it, Albus?"
"I think so," said Dumbledore, who was looking at Mr. Crouch with mild concern. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty?" I look at him and I could tell he was looking quite pale and I could understand why Dumbledore was concerned.
"No, Dumbledore, I must get back to the Ministry," said Mr. Crouch. "It is a very busy, very difficult time at the moment...I've left young Weatherby in charge...Very enthusiastic...a little overenthusiastic, if truth be told..."
"You'll come and have a drink before you go, at least?" said Dumbledore.
"Come on, Barty, I'm staying!" said Bagman brightly. "It's all happening at Hogwarts now, you know, much more exciting here than at the office!"
"I think not, Ludo," said Crouch with a touch of his old impatience.
"Professor Karkaroff, Madame Maxime a nightcap?" said Dumbledore. But Madame Maxime had already put her arm around Fleur's shoulders and was leading her swiftly out of the room. Incould hear them both talking very fast in French as they went off into the Great Hall. What they didn't know is that I understood every word. (They were complaining about the Tournament and before the got out of earshot, they began to talk strategies. Karkaroff beckoned to Krum, and they, too, exited, though in silence.
"Harry, Cedric, Atlantia I suggest you go up to bed," said Dumbledore, smiling at the three of us. "I am sure Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Slytherin are waiting to celebrate with you, and it would be a shame to deprive them of this excellent excuse to make a great deal of mess and noise." I immediately walked out of the room with Snape on my tail.
"So you didn't put your name in the Goblet." He says walking alongside me.
"Yep and you can check my memories if you like." I answer already annoyed with this.
"The Slytherin will be rooting for you and I think you will be the one who will win the game." Snape said as we arrived at the entrance to the Slytherin dormitory.
"Pureblood." I say instead of replying. We walk in and I see all the 4th year and up Slytherins were still awake. Snape addressed the room before anyone could say a single word.
"It has been proven that Atlantia never put her name in the Goblet. It is unknown who put it in but she has been cleared of actually trying to enter. However, she still must compete. You will support her as she is an actual champion in the Tournament." Snape states to the room.
"What about Potter?"Draco calls out.
Snape frowns at the mention of Harry,"Potter has not been proven innocent from putting his name in the Goblet but he is also competing. Cedric is also still competing along with Fleur and Krum. Now go to bed. You can throw a party tomorrow." I figured this dismissed me so I made my way to my room ignoring the proud, curious, and confused looks on everyone faces as I did so. I closed my curtains surrounding my bed and tried to sleep away the events of today.

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