Chapter 28: Atlantia

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I didn't have a chance during the rest of the week to visit the lake that was south of Hogwarts. I wanted to be able to talk to the merpeople to get a read on what Dumbledore and the rest of the panel has ask or told them to do. Alas, I couldn't with classes preventing me from going. Classes on Wednesday were normal except for the fact everyone were congratulating me for my performance on Tuesday. Thursday however was totally different. It started normally with Transformation being quite easy for me and the other Slytherins struggling until I helped explain it to the person next to me(Pansy). Then everyone understood. This time before I left Professional McGonagall stopped me.
"Atlantia, may I have a word?" She says. Draco,Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle all stop silently asking me if I would like them to stay.
"You guys head off to your next class. I have free period. I'll see you at lunch." I say dismissing them. They nod and make their exit. I turn back to Professor McGonagall.
"You know when they announced that You-Know-Who's granddaughter would be attending Hogwarts my first thought was she evils. After Dumbledore visited your house back in July, my concerns were relieved since he found you were a sweet, helpful, and brave girl." Professor McGonagall begins, "The worries resurfaced when you were sorted into Slytherin. Now of course I don't treat students differently because of their house but it did concern me with you being You-Know-Who's granddaughter. After having you in my class for a couple of months and seeing you represent Hogwarts as a champion, I have no doubt you are completely different then You-Know-Who and I would have been proud to have you in my house. I wanted to tell you this because I know these past months haven't been easy with the students treating you weirdly because of your heritage." I felt a burden drop of my shoulders that I didn't know was there when she says this.
"Thank you for saying that. I didn't even realize I needed someone to tell me that." I sincerely say, "I haven't told anyone this but when the Sorting Hat was talking to me,he told me I would have fit well in any of the houses but he used my precognition power to tell me that I would find happiness in either Gryffindor or Slytherin. He asked me if I would rather fall in love with someone who was already perfect or someone who was broken. Because of a last boyfriend who died when the other demigods did, I chose the path that would allow me to love and heal someone who is broken. I wanted you to know that I was chosen for Slytherin because of what type of love I wanted."
Professor McGonagall looked shocked at my confession, "Well, I didn't expect that but I understand after the life you have had that the house you would join would be based on your happiness because I agree with the Sorting Hat, you do contain every aspect of each house." She stared at me for me before continuing, "Now the reason I wanted you to stay is I wanted to ask if you can do ballroom dancing?"
I look confused at her, "You mean like a waltz?"
"Yes," She responds.
"Yeah, I can do the waltz. I learned because of the parties I had to attend after become a celebrity in movies." I answer.
"Perfect. During your DADA class, Professor Moody has been kind of enough to allow Snape and myself to talk about the Yule Ball that would take place on Christmas Eve. It is basically a dance and we needed someone young to help us teach. You also will need to find a date since all champions traditionally begin the ball but I don't think you will have trouble getting a date." She says with a knowing smile.
I didn't know how to respond to that so I just said, "I will see you after lunch." I give a nod to her and walk out of the classroom. I check the watch I had on my wrist and I realized I had time to go down to the lake. I made sure no one followed me as I went to the lake. I put my bag under the tree and covered it with the Mist so no one will realize I was in the lake. After making sure no one was around, I dove straight into the lake. I felt my clothes immediately disappear and a shell bralette form around my chest. My legs fuse together and scale appear forming a tail. Once I finished my transformation, I began swimming sensing for the merpeople. I detected them in the middle of the lake at the bottom. I shot toward them and when I get close I saw a little village. I smiled at I swam close. Before I could take one swim into the village, a merperson stops me.
"Who are you?" She shouts. She looks me over. She notices my crown and the jewelry decorating my neck. Her eyes widen in realization of who I was. Now I didn't care that I was treated this way since I didn't like being royality.
"" She stuttered out. I grabbed her hands and gave her a kind smile.
"I don't care about my title and how I am treated. I am the last siren and I know that for a fact so I don't care the way I am treated." I assure her. "Can you lead me to your king?" She nods and begins to swim toward the center building. As we swim through the streets, I see all the merfolk come out of their homes. They all bow when they see me. Eventually, I see a merman come out of the building in the center with trident and a crown on his head.
"Your highness. It is an honor to welcome you to our small village. What can we do for you?" He asks bowing his head.
"I just need some information on what Dumbledore has asked you to do for the tournament." I answer, "I am one of the contestants and I want to know what's going on so the other contestants and the person you guys have to kidnap will be safe."
"Don't worry. The contestants and their friends will be safe. The contestant's prizes will be unconscious and will be tied down with seaweed and we will protect them from the champions but we will try not to hurt the prizes or the champions." The king replies. I nod relieved.
"That makes feel better." I tell him, "I need to leave since I have to teach a dance class but if you ever need me, you know how to reach me." He nods and reaches out his hand. I shake it.
"If you need us, we will be there for you." He says.
"I appreciate that." I say smiling before shooting toward the surface. I got to the edge of the lake and after seeing no one there, I used my powers to have the water push me out of the water. I dried my skin so my body would return to its human form. Once it did,I took a look at the sun and I realized I had 2 minutes to get to the class. I shadowed traveled to the hallway the DADA class was located in before sprinting to the class. I arrived before the teachers and I realized all the Slytherins who were 4th year and older were on the right while the 4th year and higher Gryffindors were on the right. I sat between Pansy and her friend Ella. Then Professor McGonagall walked in Professor Snape behind her.
"Now, we have gathered you all here because the Yule Ball is approaching and is a traditional part of the Tournament. The Slytherin and Gryffindor house have always commanded the respect of the wizarding world. Professor Snape and I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons." Professor McGonagall says to both houses looking specifically at her Gryffindors. Snape was looking Goyle and Crabbe as she said this last part.
"The Yule Ball is of course a dance." Snape adds. "Now how many of you have actually attended a ball or some type of party that required you to dance with a partner?" I raise my hand but I am the only one so I quickly put my hand down embarrassed.
"Humph. It seems we have our work cut out for us, Professor McGonagall." Snape said bitterly. "Atlantia could you please join us." He beckons for me. I happened to be wearing a long skirt today with heels so you could hear my heels click on the floor as I got up.
"Now you have attended a party similar to a ball so tell me do you know how to waltz?" Snape looking at me expectantly.
"Yes." I answer.
"Perfect, then you will have no qualms demonstrating, Potter could you come here." Snape said looking at him. Potter got up looking very confused.
"Sir, I don't know how to waltz." He states worried.
"I know. A man would normally lead but until you learn, Atlantia will lead. Professor McGonagall would you start the music?" Snape says nodding to the professor. She waves her wand and a slow waltz music started. Harry looked frightened.
"Harry, just follow my lead and you will be fine." I assure him. I directed his hands to my shoulder and my waist which got sarcastic wolf whistles and I begin to teach him a basic waltz. After a few minutes, Professor Snape shouted, "Get up and find a partner and practice." All the girls immediately got to their feet but all the boys stayed seated.
"If you don't grab a partner, I will be giving detention for a week where I will be teaching you how to dance." Snape shouted not joking. That got everyone moving. We spent the rest if the class perfecting the art of dance. Before we were dismissed, Professional McGonagall dropped this bombshell.
"You will need to find a partner to go to the ball with especially the two champions in the room since you will be beginning the ball with a dance. You are dismissed." She shouted over the outrage that erupted. I grabbed my stuff and raced out of the room hoping to avoid all the boys since I saw the way all them turned to me when they said we needed a partner. These next few weeks are going to be worse then the punishments dished out in the Fields of Punishment.
An: So sorry for not making the two chapters per day but I came home really late last night because I had a lot of rehearsals so I didn't get a chance to finish the chapter. I will try to get two tonight. Thank you for the reads,and votes. I truly appreciate it.

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