Chapter 20:Atlantia

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I spent the rest of the weekend ignoring the Golden Trio and Malfoy and his gang. Yes, I am that angry that I have started referring to people by their last name. I couldn't deal with them and I wanted a chance to be own my own to figure out what I should do. After consulting the future, it was for the best that I stay at Hogwarts so I did but it didn't mean I had to be friendly with everyone. The weekend flew by and on Monday I still haven't said a word to those people. In Divination, Professor Twelawney even notice my mood change so I think that is why she didn't give us homework this week which I appreciated. On the other hand, Hagrid didn't seem to get the memo. The Blast-Ended Skrewts were growing super well with me showing Hagrid and the other students what they eat.
"Yeh'll will be com'n down every other night to observe the Skrewts and take notes and part of yer project." Hagrids informs up.
"I will not." Malfoy flats states," I see enough of these foul things during lessons, thanks." I roll my eyes. Looks like my outburst didn't change his attitude.
"Yeh'll do wha' yer told," Hagrid growls out,"or I'll be taken' a leaf outta Professor Moody's book...I hear yeh made a good ferret Malfoy." The Gryffindors burst out laughing while Malfoy turns red in embarrassment and all the Slytherins except me glare at Hagrid. Hagrid dismissed after that and all the Gryffindors seemed in high spirits. As we approached the entrance, we see a huge crowd gathered around something. I pushed my way to the front, well everyone once they noticed me, parted to let me see. I see a sign that reads:
I sighed. I didn't realize that the Twiwizard Tournament had approached so quickly. I was just getting comfortable, well more likely getting used to, with the way the school works. I began to make my way to the Great Hall with a little less enthusiasm. Before I actually get there, Harry stops me.
"Look, I want to apologize for what I said yesterday. It was not right of me with your actions proving you are nothing like your grandfather." Harry said sheepishly.
"It's nice to hear you apologize. I have always been hated or scared because of my parentage so its nice to hear someone realize that I am different from my families' action so I shouldn't be treated badly for that." I say before walking into the Great Hall.
The next week the school seemed to change dramatically. All the paintings and suits of armors were being cleaned while Mr. Filch, the caretaker, was yelling at students weren't looking their best whether it be uncleaned shoes or their hair is not done. Even the teachers seem to be on edge.
"Crabbe, Goyle, kindly do no reveal that you two can't even perform a simple Switching Spell in front of anyone from Durmstrang!" Professional Mcgonagall shouted on Thursday after a particularly difficult lesson. Crabbe had ended up transplanted his eyes to the cactus in front of him and Goyle transplanted his ears to his own cactus.
Friday eventually came and when I came down for breakfast, I found the Great Hall was decorated with banners representing the different houses and behind the teacher's table was a huge banner having the house's symbols united around a "H." I listened to the conversations around me. I began to open up again to my housemates slowly throughout the week so I was sitting in the middle of a group of them again.
"I heard the Weasley twins are still trying to find a way to have a chance to become the Hogwarts's Champion." Blaise said taking a bit of bacon. I choke on my coffee that I had created using my Hestia powers since apparently only teachers were allowed to drink coffee but I have been living on this stuff since I was 8 or 9 so I need to drink a cup every morning or you are going to have one pissed off demigod for the morning. Blaise looks at me concerned and curious.
"What's so funny?" Blaise asked.
"Remember how I said I could see the future?" I ask still smiling. After getting a nod in response from him and the other Slytherins surrounding me, I say,"Well, when I was still angry, I decided to consult the future and I stumbled across a funny moment with the twins and I hope we actually get to experience it."
"Can you tell us?" Draco said who was sitting across from me.
I shake my head,"If I want it to happen, then no. I know if I tell you, it will eventually get spread around the school and the Weasley twins will get word of it and won't try it."
After a few more moments of pleasant conversation, most of my housemates went off to class but because I only had Astronomy which was cancelled because of the arrival of our guests, I decided to spar outside. I walked up to Dumbledore who was at the teacher's table talking with Professor Mcgonagall. Their conversation stopped when they saw me approaching.
"Yes, Atlantia?" Dumbledore asked.
"I have a free day today and I wanted to summon some skeletons to spar with but I wanted to double check that this was ok." I reply.
Will these skeletons hurt any of the students?" Professional Mcgonagall asks.
"No," I answer shaking my head," The skeletons are ruled by Hades, my father, which by default make me a boss of them so I can easily control them."
"Well, if that is true, I see no reason why you can't." He says with a twinkle in his eye,"Will you allow us and Snape to watch you? He seems to be very eager to watch this sparring session." Dumbledore says nodding toward Snape who was listening to our conversation
I ask Snape confused,"Don't you have class?"
"Fridays, I don't teach any students so if you would allow an audience to watch you, I would very much like to see this since in the memories that the Ministry had allowed to be shown proved you to be a great fighter." Snape replies.
"I don't mind." I say beckoning for them to follow me. They follow me out to a spot on the grounds of Hogwarts not to far from Hagrid's hut. I use my Aphrodite power to change my outfit into a more suitable outfit. I hear Professor Mcgonagall gasp at my change but I don't bother looking back. I summon chairs for them to sit in if they would like and they ended up doing so.
I kneel to the ground and whisper,"Rise my soldiers." I watch as about 25 skeletons crawl out of the ground and stand at attention. I look over to my professors and I could see Dumbledore was amused at me controlling the skeletons, Professor Mcgonagall looking a tad frightened, and Snape looked amazed. I turn my attention back to my soldiers
"You will fight me like I am the enemy and will not hold back. You cannot hurt anyone other then me." I order. "Begin." Immediately the skeletons charge me. I use my Ares power to summon a sword before slicing the head of a skeleton off its body. I use my earthquake power to shatter some of the skeletons before fighting hand-to-hand to sharpen those skills since I haven't done that since I attended Camp Half-Blood or New Rome. Although the professors left at mid-day after watching me perfect different fighting styles,I continue to fight until 5pm. I decide to shadow travel to the bathroom and quickly take a shower before shadow traveling to meet my housemates to welcome the guests. When I shadow traveled back down to the entrance hall, the head of houses were directing their students to form a line. Snape directed me to stand in front next to him since I was a special student and wasn't totally a part of the school. I think he meant that the outfit that I was wearing, which was a badass fighting outfit that was similar to one that would be worn by a spy, and the swords I had strapped to my back from training showed the power the Slytherin House had. Eventually as six o'clock approached, I could see a very large flying object or objects flying in the sky off in the distance. I could hear a lot of students shouting as they notice the Beauxbatons were approaching. Soon, we see that a giant powdered blue carriage that was a size of a house was being pulled by dozen winged horses or pegasus. I watch as it sets down in front of us and come to a stop. A boy in pale robes jumps out of the carriage and fumbles with something before revealing golden steps. A giant steps out of the carriage and I am instantly frightened but then I realize that she is a descendent from those giants but is actually very kind. I am proven right when we began to clap and she smiled at Dumbledore before extending a hand for Dumbledore who kisses it.
"My dear Madame Maxime,"he says,"Welcome to Hogwarts."
"Dumbly-dorr," Madame Maxime says in a deep voice,"I'ope I find you well?"
"In excellent form, I thank you." Dumbledore says politely.
"My pupils." She says gesturing to the students behind her. I realize they are shivering which is no surprise with them wearing no coats and just silk robes. I sigh and summon some fire to out behind each of them to warm them up. They immediately stop shivering. As I was doing this I missed a big chunk of the conversation between the two headmasters since Madame Maxine beckoned for her pupils to follow. As they entered,I made sure to get rif of the fire. I turn my attention away from the Beauxbatons students entering the building to see a ship emerging from the lake like a submarine. I watch as many well-built men step off the ship and walk toward us. I see the man leading them.
"Dumbledore!" The man called heartily as they approached us,"How are you, my dear fellow,how are you?"
"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore answered shaking his hand. Professor Karkaroff them notices me.
"Ahhhh. One of my students is courting one of your students, would you mind if he gave her gift? Victor come here." Professor Karkaroff says beckoning one of his students. I realize as the student steps forward with a beautiful white fur blanket that it is actually Victor Krum, the Quidditch player.
"Told you I see you again." He says smiling at me wrapping the blanket around my shoulders.
"Atlantia would you mind guiding the Durmstrang to the Great Hall." Dumbledore said before I could give a response. I nod at him and with Krum holding my waist I beckon for everyone else to follow.

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